Tenet arca plasmor. Toxin is the better element. Tenet arca plasmor

 Toxin is the better elementTenet arca plasmor <b>sdliuB romsalP acrA tseB ehT</b>

Tenet Arca Plasmor guide by dotValkyrie. Tenet weapons are special Corpus weapons. riven Slot. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload speed. by ares238 — last updated a day ago (Patch 33. Surviving enemies are consumed with radiation. It has. +110. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload speed. Ranged Tenet weapons carried by a player's Sister and can be acquired. LP. by endless — last updated a month ago (Patch 33. S. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload speed. 10. 3; FormaLong; Guide. 3; Forma. 5; FormaMedium; Guide. 5) 16 5 186,520. 8) 16 5 166,920. Registering an account is free, does not require any personal data and can be done in less than ten seconds. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. My understanding is that [Galvanised Savvy] was "fixed". Surviving enemies are consumed with radiation. Also applies anytime you go with a Radiation progenitor. 6) arca plasmor shots reflect off surfaces , so if you aim right you can get it to hit an enemy twice so be mindful of your surroundings. Tenet Arca Plasmor guide by itwillsit. Tenet Arca Plasmor: General Use - 5 Forma Tenet Arca Plasmor build by The-Simulacrum-Warriors - Updated for Warframe 30. Copy. Overall, if you love the standard Arca Plasmor, the Tenet version is a fantastic upgrade. 1" Arca Plasmor. For this we need to spawn a Sis. Oof that sucks. Votes 163. Tenet Arca Plasmor vs Kuva Brahma . Not Hunter Munitions. , obvious. 1. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload. Tenet Arca Plasmor. Tenet Arca Plasmoor: Custom variant of a Corpus classic. Votes 66. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload speed. ago. Tenet Arca Plasmor requires you to build Railjack (you need Second dream for that and reach Uranus), Finish Deadlock protocol (which is not a trivial quest because of the boss fight) and actually be able to kill the Sister. Tenet arca plasmor when you want to delete stuff fast. 6) 16 5 227,230. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. 2 VOTES. Tenet Arca Plasmor guide by dotValkyrie. Arca Plasmor - 1 Forma Tenet Arca Plasmor build by Nykrae - Updated for Warframe 30. Some crit chance, hunter munitions, cold to make that toxin viral. If the player has enough weapon slots, they can claim these weapons from their Foundry, bypassing the supposed Mastery Rank requirement on these weapons. Toxin is the better all around choice, however if you have heat then you can have either 2 heat based dual (one is always the innate radiation) elements or have radiation and heat. #warframe Right now, go for a heat or toxin roll. Surviving enemies are consumed with radiation. Tenet Arca Plasmor guide by arkrilok. by Nephril — last updated 2 years ago (Patch 30. 925: Forma. Copy. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. Builds by Spite. by colton14 — last updated a year ago (Patch 31. +80% Status Chance. Tenet Livia and Grigori are the best of the tenet melee weapons for a zenurik loadout and a hybrid combo-crit mod build. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. Your Tenet Arca Plasmor with 25% Radiation can be fed into your 44% Cold Tenet Arca Plasmor, to make it a 48. . 0. Whacking the name “tenet” or. The [Arca Plasmor] comes with 3 "V" polarities and because of this the build only requires 4 forma. Ranged Tenet weapons carried by a player's Sister and can be acquired once the Sister is Vanquished. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. Odonata Prime guide by 6ND6GAM6. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload speed. This is especially true for weapons with high status chance or fast fire rates, like I assume the Diplos has. Tenet Arca Plasmor guide by itwillsit. 3; FormaLong; Guide. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have. Arca Plasmor. price: 1,000 platinum | Number of active offers: 361耐久でtenet arca plasmorを使うメリットがあるならコメントください。反映します。 メリットがないなら使わないです。そういう方針で楽しむブログです。 この記事を紹介する方はそれに同意してから紹介してくださいね。Arca Plasmor Tenet End Game Build. Weapon Information. 1" Arca Plasmor. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. How To Get Tenet Arca Plasmor? Tenet Weapons such as the Tenet Arca Plasmor can be obtained by defeating a Sister of Parvos (Candidate) who has it equipped. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. 5) 16 5 163,580. . I tested it on mine (it has 78% crit chance due to riven) and noticed that it barely procs the slash status. The Tenet Arca Plasmor has built-in radiation for crowd control and can be spawned with Heat or Electric to add additional crowd control, while the Tenet Envoy can have built in radiation with Toxin, or Radiation for. Galvanized Savvy. ITEM RANK. Surviving enemies are consumed with radiation. The 2 = Visican ?Warframe has over 50 Warframes to choose from, each with its own strengths. Tenet Arca Plasmor guide by dotValkyrie. Now, imagine I wanted a Magnetic Tenet Arca Plasmor or a Radiation Tenet Cycron. Don't get how this still have a disposition that allows for stats like your second roll tbh. if you want to take a element for CO purposes you need ot take either a combined element(Rad/mag) or Impact if the weapon doesn't have it innately, ni the case of the plasmor rad wouldn't help you for this, while impact overlaps with a built in functionality. Tenet Arca Plasmor. by Polyshift — last updated 2 years ago (Patch 30. Tenet arca plasmor is a higher damaging shotgun than the sporelacer kitgun shotgun but the sporelacer kitgun shotgun should not have any issues with any enemies in steel path. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload speed. Nidus was the progenitor so it's has toxin dmg on top of the native radiation dmg. 0 %. Tenet Arca Plasmor guide by itwillsit. Builds by 6ND6GAM6. Then yes, Magnetic wouldn't be bad, since their shields can be annoying without an element with bonus. Bit of multishot. +165. Both are excellent shotguns in their own ways. 5: Control Module. price: 55 platinum ⬌ Max. Petersburg, discuss the. Surviving enemies are consumed with radiation. Copy. Tenet Arca Plasmor is literally the perfect gun to kill Corpus lol it’s a corpus killer. 0 VOTES. 5) 16 5 197,060. Surviving enemies. Tenet Arca Plasmor; Archon Plasmor - 4 Forma Tenet Arca Plasmor build by Melodious. (Galvanized Savvy will be making up for the loss of status chance there. price: 999 platinum | Number of active offers: 33 Tenet Arca. 4 / 80. Votes 166. price: 15 platinum ⬌ Max. Better to increase the much more valuable viral proc chance. If you are planning to have 2+, then heat. by felipe076 — last updated a month ago (Patch 33. Destroy Everything with 66% Crit Rad/Viral | Tenet Arca Plasmor. 6Tenet Arca Plasmor - 2 Forma Tenet Arca Plasmor build by Junderscore - Updated for Warframe 30. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. There are also kuva and tenet variants that are just slightly better than. Surviving enemies are consumed with radiation. 36. 0 COMMENTS. Warframe is a free-to-play action role-playing. The Arca Plasmor has a mastery rank of 10. Copy. Toxin allows you to build for corrosive or viral with 1 mod or build for raw toxin just for corpus. FrostNyx • 1 yr. Votes 66. 1. ago. The Tenet Arca drops from the Sisters of Parvos, not the Grineer Lich. Tenet Arca Plasmor. Tenet Weapons []. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. Posted February 17, 2022. 4) Use the Xoris's throw + heavy attack to blow up specters. All the weapons in S-Tier are the best of the best that makes the gameplay like a breeze. Posted February 17, 2022. But with shotguns, you're not slotting rifle exclusive mods like firestorm, shred, etc. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. For this we need to spawn a Sister Lich (or Sister of Parvos) with the. 1" Arca Plasmor. by Inquisitor_Ezra — last updated 2 years ago (Patch 30. Use galv savvy especially if you got a primer to get reliably more dps or want to rely on the 3 base status of the plasmor(3 status at least are needed to do more dmg than ppb and plasmor adds rad impact and viral in this case) and replace [Chilling Grasp] for [Chilling Reload] if not realoading it passively with synth mods. For crit, it has 22%,. Destroy Everything with 66% Crit Rad/Viral | Tenet Arca Plasmor. Though would the bonus stack into the impqcr proc or would it act as a secondry dmg source. My Tenet Plasmor just went from being absolutely amazing - Good enough that I could happily use it instead of the. 0) 16 2 217,000. Custom variant of a Corpus classic. 3; FormaLong; Guide. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload speed. Copy. Fire rate doesn't do much to Arca P anyways and the reload speed buff isn't that great or that needed. Disadvantages. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload. 3Tenet Arca Plasmor guide by itwillsit. All The Elements. Lich abilities are tied to their weapon's elemental bonus. New Build. Votes 176. 3; FormaLong; Guide. 7Don't worry, you can set your builds to private and create your own database of builds for your personal use. So going magnetic you need 2 elements and hunter munition. toxicpsychotic • 2 yr. Check Out - "Warframe: Bittersweet But HUGE Changes For Warframe" --~--My. price: 55 platinum ⬌ Max. Note that savvy is bugged rn and. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload speed. Apparently all other shotguns that are pellet based are. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload. Tenet Arca Plasmor guide by itwillsit. The adversary weapons aren’t necessarily “variants” the same way stock weapons are. S. 1. Viral Plasmor stuf - 3 Forma Tenet Arca Plasmor build by -Yuki_Prime - Updated for Warframe 31. 4. It is the custom variant of a Corpus classic.