Swgoh stun units. Materials. Swgoh stun units

 MaterialsSwgoh stun units  Mk 9 BioTech Implant Salvage

Units Navigation. Buffs & Debuffs List. Stats +6 Tactics. SWGOH. 31546. Trick was to get everyone down except Beskar Mando. Mk 4 A-KT Stun Gun Salvage. Damage: 8237 - 9103. Final Text: This unit takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects and massive damage effects. Siphon Mastery: Gain a percentage of Mastery equal to this unit's Siphon until the end of the encounter and the target loses that much Mastery (stacking, excludes raid bosses and Galactic Legends). Clever Rebel Support who spots enemy units for his allies Power 34527 · Health 38,373 · Speed 152. Feel free to let me know of any feedback to improve upon this as new teams, theorycrafts, tests, and Datacron sets are added to SWGoH. Snap. ago I got this to work with an empire team also. Inquisitors 1:50 JML Aayla Loops 3:00 Inquis Loops 3:52 How to Protect Yourself Welcome to the April 2023 Road Ahead! May the 4th is around the corner and we have exciting news to share with you today. Cost: 50000 Required Unit Level: 85 Required Unit Stars: 7 Gear Tier: 12 Contents. Light Side · Support · Rebel · Rogue One · Support. It took a while and yet no reward. Units. Han Solo Abilities. Took a few tries to actually reach the 30 stuns, but if you do it right the Jedi never take a turn. At the start of battle all units (excluding summoned allies) gain the Superlaser Blast ability which starts at 0% energy. The best players are always thinking seven moves ahead, putting together strategies in how to use their toons buffs and debuffs. Spread the shocks to help EP turnmeter and don’t forget his special that gains bonus turnmeter for shocked enemies so you can cycle back to mass stun again. Taunt. 1 Materials; 2 Acquired from; 3. A list of all SWGoH buffs and debuffs can be found. fan - Marvel Snap; LOTR. A squad from the Clone Wars era, this team is led by Padme Amidala who grants her. Materials. Spoiler. Character cannot heal, gain buffs, or gain bonus turn meter. Mk 12 ArmaTek Stun Gun Prototype Salvage Fleet Battles: 3-E. 100x Mk VII. Thrawn - r5. 0% Tenacity. Check out all of the Gear an Recipes in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!!Mk 1 Czerka Stun Cuffs. FINAL TEXT: Deal Special damage to target enemy, and inflict Target Lock for 2 turns on target enemy and the healthiest enemy that didn't already have it. Mk 2 A-KT Stun Gun. . They take massive damage from destroy effects (excludes raid bosses) and are immune to stun effects. When this Speed Up expires, inflict Ability Block for 1 turn. View the full database of SWGOH Charactes with the most Speed, Protection, Health, Armor, Potency and Tenacity! Toggle navigation. Road Ahead - July 2023. Avg Current Fleet Arena Rank. Thermal. I agree that Stun is best (except in some very rare occasions, usually involving biggs), but if anything is second, it's not mere buff immunity. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Gain Turn Meter equal to Han's Critical Chance. This attack deals 35% more damage to enemies suffering from a negative status effect. Thermal Detonator. From SWGoH Wiki. 68288: 1. Jedi Knight Cal Kestis. Cantina Battles: 5-B 12 (2x)Units. Unit Ship Buff Debuff Other Status Locations 0-0-0. Tenacity Down. Deal Special damage to all enemies with a 75% chance to Stun Droids for 1 turn and a 25% chance to Stun other enemies for 1 turn. Thermal. Stun. Level 8 Relic Amplifiers require 20 each of two new Relic materials. Description Increased effects from abilities that utilize Target Lock. Piece 1: Mk 12 ArmaTek Thermal Detonator Requirements: 1x Mk 12 ArmaTek Thermal Detontor Prototype (HSTR Exclusive) – 50x salvage 2x Mk 12 Carbanti Sensor Array (HSTR Exclusive) – 20x salvage 1x Mk 12 Armatek Thermal Detonator Component – 1x Mk 3 Carbanti Sensor Array & 2x (20 salvage) Mk 6 MedPac Stats: 100 STR SWGOH Stats Generator is a Google spreadsheet that can give base stats and Galactic Power for every character or ship at any level. Tenacity Up. This unit takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects and massive damage effects. So a bunch of assists were in there, and a bunch of stuns. Snap. 74. Target Lock. To see base stats at a specific Relic or Gear Level. Overwhelming Sith Support who inflicts Shock and can Stun targets for multiple turns Power 37507 · Health 30,085 · Speed 142. Tenacity Up. This gear is used 0 times as a full piece for the following characters: Choose gear pieces in Used to craft to see units that require this gear material in other pieces. Commander Ahsoka Tano. 34,568. 4% of the attacker's Special Damage to target (s) Damage variance is 500. Just controlled every one as best I could, applied ability block on them all,. A ruthless crime boss who exerts his influence on others to control the flow of battle to support his criminal. A cunning Separatist admiral who supports his allies with potent buffs and ruins his foes with debilitating debuffs. 40x Mk XII;. Anti-Droid Support with AoE damage and high Evasion against Droids. Light Side · Leader · Scoundrel · Attacker · Smuggler · Leader. Dark Side Battles: 2-I (Normal) 6:Aggressive Empire Support that provides other Imperial Trooper allies with Assist chance. Power 34527 · Health 34,776 · Speed 171. Tenacity Down. Taunt. bolobaby. This gear is used 731 times for characters as both a full gear piece and a material to create another gear piece. Overwhelming Sith Support who inflicts Shock and can Stun targets for. This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and the damage they receive is decreased by 30%. Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to Stun the target for one turn. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is a game of match-ups and strategy, and nothing forces the strategic thinking to come out more than buffs and debuffs. A Mandalorian leader and support unit that collects beskar to buff her team and rally them. Mk 1 A/KT Stun Gun Datacrons Data Disks Galactic Challenges Gear Raids Scavenger Relics Shard Shipments Events Quests Light Side Battles Dark Side Battles Squad Cantina Battles Fleet Battles Mod BattlesUsed for Characters. Stun. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. fan. These abilities have the power to change any matchup. Target Lock. Best Mods. Inquisitors 1:50 JML Aayla Loops 3:00 Inquis Loops 3:52 How to Protect Yourself SPECIAL 1: Master Marksman (CD: 3) (Zeta) Final Text: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Stun them for 1 turn. Stats: Used to craft gear Mk 12 ArmaTek Stun Gun. The requirements to craft each piece of G12+ gear adhere to a set format, which is: 1x Component A (HSTR Exclusive) – 50x salvage. GG? SWGOH. Mk IX. Tough First Order Tank with a powerful Stun Power 37507 · Health 38,764 · Speed 152. Power 35311 · Health 47,043 · Speed 186. Characters; Ships; Abilities; Relic Player Data; Relic Comparison; Stats. Essentially a guaranteed critical hit. GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital. For farming ideas check out best character farming locations. 1x Mk V. 23288: 1:. Galactic Challenge TAKODANA TIER 7 (SITH) SWGOHSTUN FEAT (Attempt to inflict stun 30 times)EP-DR-ZILLA-DOOKU-TRAYA and try to stall it while giving cd reduct. Characters; Ships; Abilities; Relic Player Data; Relic Comparison; Stats. These abilities have the power to change any matchup. Palps, Vader, Thrawn, Mara, Royal G. 20x Mk XII. Speed. From SWGoH Wiki. 1 Understand Buffs And De-buffs. 50x Mk VIII 60x Mk VIII. gg - Lord of the Rings Heroes. SWGOH GAC Counters - Season 21 (5v5) Based on 397,053 battles analyzed during GAC Season 21. This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 30%. Seen 27655 Win %. Deal Special damage to all enemies with a 50% chance to Stun Droids for 1 turn. Stun gun is by design a piece of crunch gear. Target Lock. Rebel Assault 3 turn cooldown. Gear Levels Full Gear List Relic Tier List Stats Table Player Data Top Players. 10. These positive status effects (buffs – green) and negative status effects (debuffs – red) can greatly impact any battle. Tusken Warrior. user-4128 • 2 yr. RG and Daka could stun, while Phasma could do defense down. gg - Lord of the Rings Heroes; SWGOH. (2) Shard Shop. GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. CATEGORIES:. Taunt. Torture. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. 37,837. Lost 100% Turn Meter if damaged by attack. Stun. This gear is used 610 times for characters as both a full gear piece and a material to create another gear piece. This attack can't be Evaded. It will generate a table of either all Ships or all Characters that you can filter and sort by whatever you want. This gear is used 731 times for characters as both a full gear piece and a material to create another gear piece. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Mk 5 A/KT Stun Gun Prototype Salvage Datacrons Galactic Challenges Gear Raids Scavenger Relics Shard Shipments Events Quests Light Side Battles Dark Side Battles Squad Cantina Battles Fleet Battles Mod BattlesDeal Physical damage to target enemy. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. 0-0-0. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Units: Any 5 Inquisitorius and/or Tusken: Recommended Unit Level: 85 Gear level: 11+ Mods: 5+ dotsCheck out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Power. About : F2P Datacron Farming Guide coming shortly. Stats +2000 Health +6 Speed +100 Physical Damage +100 Armor Penetration. Tenacity Down. Jawa gains 6% Evasion for each living Jawa ally, and gains 30% Turn Meter whenever he Evades an attack. . Avg. I need the crystals for shards so no. Aggressive Phoenix Attacker that permanently strips Defense and punishes slower enemies. They take massive damage from destroy effects (excludes raid bosses) and are immune to stun effects. Whenever an enemy unit is defeated, all allies gain 20% Max Protection and Mara Jade inflicts Vulnerable for 1 turn on a random. Mk 6 A/KT Stun Gun Used by 125 Characters Mk IV. As the NS teams scale up relics it really depends on which NS have relics, mods, and team composition. Mk V. Use Palp’s AOE, Dooku’s lightning and basic, and Thrawn’s basic on whoever has ability block (when he’s not fracturing Luke) whenever you can. 1 Understand Buffs And De-buffs. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. GP - Galactic Power · CS - Collection Score. - 3 Stacks: This ability deals 25% more damage. Units. fan - Marvel Snap; LOTR. 7199999999999998: 1: Second Sister:Mk 12 Czerka Stun Cuffs Prototype Used by 0 Characters Snap. Units. - All allies gain Advantage for 4 turns - Stun target. Stun. There was a stun attempt in practically every turn. Edit: Scratch that. What is SWGOH. Mk 12 ArmaTek Stun Gun. Status Debuff: Exclusive to Characters: Dispellable Yes Resistible Yes CopyableWat Tambor. While in Territory War: Kneesaa has +95% Critical Chance, +25% Critical Damage, +10% Max Health, +10 Speed for each other Ewok ally, and is immune to Daze and Stun. Thermal Detonator. SWGOH. Guild Name Unit Special Damage Mod Special Damage Place; Sith Eternal Emperor: Grandola Paca: Fury Unity Qc: 18601. SPECIAL 2: Suppressing Fire (CD: 3) Cara = stun lock - Max rewards Malachor:. Materials; 1x Mk II. The best players are always thinking seven moves ahead, putting together strategies in how to use their toons buffs and debuffs. I guess. Deal Physical damage to target enemy. It took a while and yet no reward. Upcoming Conquest Data Disks and Feats. ago I can't seem to kill them slow enough with this lineup. Target Lock. SWGOH. Giuld event shop I need 10k more for 7☆ Wampa so no ;d. SWGOH · Top Stun Characters by Special Damage;. From SWGoH Wiki. We will kick off this Road Ahead with the final details around the Raid changes and the new Krayt Dragon Raid and then dive into our May the 4th plans. Stun. Mk 12 ArmaTek Stun Gun. Stats +3 Speed +65 Physical Damage +1% Tenacity. SWGOH · Top Stun Characters by Armor;. Mk VI. Stats +60 Physical Damage. Mk 5 A/KT Stun Gun Prototype.