State of decay 2 outposts. I should have more than enough resources to do so. State of decay 2 outposts

I should have more than enough resources to do soState of decay 2 outposts  When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu

Here's how to. Keep in mind that ressources are delivered/taken twice a day : in the morning and in the evening. Cascade Hills is one of the four main maps in the campaign of State of Decay 2, alongside Drucker County, Meagher Valley, and Providence Ridge. . Level 3: Gain 500 Influence. A Network Signal Booster and a character with the Hacking skill will increase the maximum cap to 8 outposts. On XBOX Thanks. Outpost Types Food: Barns, restaurants and feed warehouses, among others, provide 1 food/day. Meagher Valley is one of the four main maps in the campaign of State of Decay 2, alongside Cascade Hills, Drucker County, and Providence Ridge. Then do the same until all characters have rucksack and fill transport if you want. Don't warn me again for State of Decay 2. Order. moving to a new base does not add outpost slots. In Breakdown, this radio call becomes available after the player is settled into a home site (at level 1) or right at the beginning (from level 2, since the RV acts as a temporary home site and has 2 outpost slots). State of Decay 2 - Drucker County Map - Taking power grid outpost. You’re going to start off with one, but you’ll soon start expanding into different locations, claiming as many of the game’s 20+ bases as you can. Bases and outposts are one of the most important aspects of State of Decay 2. When you find the post, select it and scroll over to the upgrade selection and upgrade it. The base has 3 outpost slots at level 1, and can reach 5 outposts without modules at level 3. I'm currently using the signal which allows me 5 total. By Sharnelle Earle. 3) you can switch characters in the host's base and. State of Decay 2. Remember that the base outpost ammo only deliver 1 unit of ammo each day, if you can, upgrade it to level 2 or level 3 to get more ressources each day. Container Fort (Best for Defense and Customizability) In one of the most played maps in the game, having the Container Fort is a must. Some outposts also give bonuses. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Here is the formula at this time. Its strategies' benefits can also be improved by having the right Knowledge in your community. I've been trying to figure this out awhile now lol. . All outposts will be lit up during the night, creating warm beacons of hope in the darkness. Buildings and Facilities. This one went well #12 (15+ Ferals) 102. B in the hills. It’s all random what benefits they will give you, but it is possible to get an extra outpost from allying with an enclave. videogame_asset My games. Well worth scouring (bring friends so they can roll on ECHO gear to bring back to their main communities). A garden and 1 or 2 fully upgraded food outposts. , and reduces the chances of your survivors getting stuck/needing help in that area. Claiming a home base in State of Decay 2 allows you to upgrade the amount of space. They cost 250—300 influence to claim. XBox Live GT: XyonicS. Out of all four locations, Cascade Hills seems to have been hit the hardest. may contain Strong Violence or Gore. It is southwest but on the very bottom of the tip of land that stretches southeast. You can either walk up to them and talk to them and it’ll give a promt to change or you can goto your bed and put him to sleep and it’ll give you an option to change to someone else. Once claimed they offer you three different. I built a 1 level watchtower and my ammo output is -1. You navigate to an available outpost that you want to bring into. Unlimited Storage and Beds at State of Decay 2 - Nexus mods and community. 6 ; Time. In classic fashion, after claiming the water outpost above I then found a second just south of the lumber mill across the bridge next to the signal tower, and a third on the south road linking the lumber mill to the fire station ( near a petrol station) #4. Here's how to claim them and reap the rewards. When it’s up to lvl3, you should have 4 outpost slots in total. are better. Each map has its own and all of them are different. Fuel outpost gives fuel and teaches mechanics. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Tier 3 - 5 outposts. only need 4 cell tower + max. Once claimed they offer you three different strategies. Rogar_Rabalivax • 2 mo. This simple mod adds +1 outpost limit at each tier of the command center. As the title says, I have 5 ammo outposts. In State of Decay, this radio call is unlocked after the player completes mission Lay of the Land. Join. ||||| 97% ||||| 146K/150K Make Sure To Subscribe! Follow Me On Instagram Follow Me On Twitter!. Two is to install a signal boosting antenna mod in your command centre. The buildings on the maps are exactly the same, no matter the difficulty. Now that power and water can be gotten as outposts it’s useful to thing of them as a single square in your base. Northwest of the small lake which is West of the Crashed Plane. XyonicS1 5 years ago #3. yuteewee • 2 yr. Outposts no passives :: State of Decay 2 General Discussions. Have your leader leave his “Legacy”. Optionally, you can also choose for out posts to provide 4 or 8 beds. There are a ton of outposts you can claim in State of Decay 2 to help you out on your conquest to destroy all the Plague Hearts in your territory. Thank you. (Just North of the Grange Enclave, from the original SOD1. Also the map is useful. The math checks out. This simple mod adds +1 outpost limit at each tier of the command center. Best way to use this is build an outpost in the middle of enemy territory and swap your characters as they get injured or fatigued. Outposts in State of Decay 2 work a little differently than they did in the first State of Decay. 5 food/day in nightmare. home State of Decay 2. This is an archived file from a mod page that no longer exists. I have that outpost currently. You don’t actually collect the resource involved with them. Don't warn me again for State of Decay 2. mcshaggin • 2 mo. . Content posted in this community. State of Decay 2 developers Undead Labs revealed they were "actively thinking about" outpost defenses and I may have just found an Easter egg that suggests h. Choose 1 of the mains files for better outpost yield. Last Update: 05 Apr 2022. Also, there are two strip malls with a dewey's hardware. Content posted in this community. VORTEX. I like to put music to Gameplay. Radio outpost teaches computers and a passive 20% cooldown on radio actions. Yeah when you get a team of RT Ops, the game gets pretty trivial. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Drucker County is one of the four main maps in the campaign of State of Decay 2, alongside Cascade Hills, Meagher Valley, and Providence Ridge. There are three legit ways to get more outposts. I have a 3rd level ammo outpost. The amount is related to what medicine knowledge you have in your community. Why it is crucial to have them and what resources they generate! I hope you enjoy! Make sure t. Rucksack outpost trick. My bad outposts yeah just whatever, really depends on what resource bonus's you have coming in from survivors and other sources. may contain Strong Violence or Gore. • 7 days ago. Urgent Care: base is -10% Injury Severity. But you can get an 8th from allying with the right enclave. Updated Aug 3, 2021. Download 6 Collections for State of Decay 2 chevron_right. Signal booster which adds 1 extra outpost and a satellite that adds 2 outposts. Some outposts work in Heartland, some don't. ago. PSN: XyonicS. I don't remember if there was a resource cost to reclaim it, will have to check next time I'm on. The area that would become known as Meagher Valley, Wyoming was. So above all, place them in manner that protects the base and the main scavenging areas near it. This guide will tell you How To Get More Outposts In State Of Decay 2 so you can acquire more resources for your Home Base or obtain more sleeping quarters so you can rescue more survivors. [deleted] • 4 yr. All outpost gives the basic ability. My setup is for short term lethal community but you can build any type of outpost you want if you are doing long term community. Beds: Homes scattered around neighborhoods. Yep, more than three times what it says is needed, 6k influence against 2k cost. To capture a State of Decay 2 Power Outpost, you’ll need enough Influence, and at least one open Outpost Slot in your base. If you wait till they contact you, then ignore their call for help, they'll eventually leave on their own. Then he said unclaim it and do it again when needed. Games. Also, you’ll need a single large slot at a base. Tier 2 - 4 outposts. Water or power outpost gives either water or power at the cost of fuel and a passive morale boost. Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Best. State of Decay 2. Heres the link that shows the location of every outpost in every mapState of decay the return, they destroyed their first game over the updates, they do the same with this one. What would be known as Drucker County formed millions of years ago being a plateau, with various wildlife species such. Skip to content. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Too many rucksacks, zombies and looting building spots. 3. Content posted in this community. The valley is located in the Jackson Hole region of northwestern Wyoming, some distance away from the Rocky Mountains. In this game none of your Outposts will protect you with landmines on the ground like in the first one and they have no offensive capabilities at all. the max outposts you can get without any mods is 4. Gives access to all 8 Outpost slots immediately. FanAHUN. In my base tab every single resource is a minus, no matter how many levels I make an outpost, even with no material use for instance. State of Decay 2. Which is your favorite landmark outpost from Update 25?This video will show you where to find each Landmark Outpost on each map, and what benefits they confe. Outposts Reset :: State of Decay 2 General Discussions. ago. Every Outpost have the following standard outpost features: 1. 3. Each map now also features a single landmark outpost — a unique claimable site that offers three distinct strategiesEdit: Just to put it in scale. Visit the command center in the base. State of Decay 2. While some simply. I only needed to go get more Materials in order to upgrade the Workshop to Workshop 3 after constructing a Luxury barracks, a Trading Depot, a Lounge 2, Infirmary 3, Storage 2, farm 3, Kitchen 2 and of course Workshop 2. Viewing: Pages 1 ; 2 ; 3. As their name suggests Landmark Outposts are unique locations which can be claimed as Outposts. Landmark Outposts are special Outposts, introduced with Update 25. Refine results. Updated on May 9th, 2023 by Hodey Johns: Outposts are still the key locations for gamers in State of Decay 2. may contain Strong Violence or Gore. ZOD Donation. I've got the firearms guy, a forager that gives food and meds, a fortifications person that gives materials, the vehicles guy. cell towers are the best outpost in the game. . In this case, all the features of the original outposts will work in. Also, there is a lot of weapons and ammo down in Marshall. They provide you with shelter, storage, medical supplies, resources and a place for your comrades to stay. This is especially true considering that some maps, such as the recently added Turnbull Valley, start the player without easy access to many types of outposts. So, if you have an ammo outpost, you will get three units of ammo and lose one unit of. Don't warn me again for State of Decay 2. While some simply offer a place for you to. The mod says something like "some nerds got together and made this networking device" it allows +2 outposts when equipped in command center. ~CodeNamePlasmaSnake~. DragulaRULEZ 5 years ago #4. Judging by the name, most have surmised that it has at least something to do. At least a. (If you are reading this Q&A in the future, please check the date. close. If you look around you may find the person (s) to see who they are. Providence Ridge is the main map in the campaign of State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition, alongside Cascade Hills, Drucker County, and Meagher Valley. I should have more than enough resources to do so. The 3 options let you pick from decreasing injury severity, increasing max survivor health, or increasing plague resistance. You can already abandon outposts from the map screen.