. Greatly appreciate the efforts towards keeping our kids and fanmilies safe on. If your child will be absent from school please call our SAFE. Main Office - 902-464-5140 Safe Arrival - 902-464-5141 [email protected]. ca . Daily Announcements. ca Order School Photos. More than 270 merchants use Safe Arrival delivery services to manage their business. Accessing Report Card. Save Arrival Learn more. ca Follow us on Twitter: @WMESchoolWhether you want to send gifts to your friends and family, parcels, or documents with high safety protection, Safe Arrival courier delivery services give you an enjoyable online delivery experience. 0 Fax: (902) 457-8963 New Safe Arrival Phone Number: 1-833-582-6940 School Email: [email protected] ‹ Later Article; Earlier Article ›. (*when your student arrives late they will be signed in and their attendance will be updated)late bus arrivals/ safe arrival information Thursday September 15th at 9:56 am Our teachers enter attendance by 8:55 in the morning, and if buses are late arriving to the school, those children will be marked absent and you will receive an automated message telling you they are absent, if you are certain that your child is on their bus, you. Please take a moment to review our Safe Arrival Program: If your child is going to be absent or late, please call 1-833-582-69401410 Fall River Rd, Fall River, NS, B2T 1J1. Phone Numbers. Friday July 21st. 1204. We have moved into an automated system for safe arrival through School Messenger. Celebrate African Heritage Month! Learn more. What's New. email: [email protected]. All three methods are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Parking Lot Located at: 7 Pine Grove Drive MAIN OFFICE (902) 479-4286 SAFE ARRIVAL 1-833-582-694040 O'Connell Dr Porters Lake, NS, B3E 1E8 Ph: 902-827-4112 Email: [email protected] Watt St. GTranslate. All three methods are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our school will be piloting a new way to report absences through SchoolMessenger. • getting clothes and backpacks ready the night before. caWeb Site: Phone: (902) 421-6767 School Hours: Students Enter: 8:40 - 8:55 Lunch #1: 11:30 - 12:30 Lunch #2 12:30 - 1:30 Dismissal: 3:00 Breakfast and Lunch. September 15th, 2022. April 8th, 2022. Lunch Monitors- Paid Position. Follow HRCE . Absences can be reported at any time before the start of school on the day the student will be absent. One of our greatest priorities is ensuring that all our students arrive safely at school each and every day. ca Twitter: @HillsidePark1. Up to five consecutive absences can be recorded at once. Read Article. Cafeteria Orders . Safe Arrival Please call 902-857-4203 to communicate an absence. More Info. Kids' Help Phone . The first day of school for students will be Wednesday, September 7th. To report your child's absence please call 1-833-582-6940 . June 28th, 2023. What's New. June 30th, 2023. . Daily Announcements. Daily Announcements. Safe Arrival Procedures. SAFE ARRIVAL 1-833-582-6940 Main Office 902-864-6805 Email [email protected] Arrival: 1-833-582-6940 . September Newsletter (September 12th) September 12th, 2022. 270+ Merchants. Absences can be reported at any time before the start of school on the day the student will be absent. Changes to Safe Arrival Wednesday April 13th at 7:31 pm Effective Friday, April 15th, our current Safe Arrival line will be replaced by an automated system that will be accessible via phone or the Power School Parent Portal. ca . Absences can be reported at any time before the start of school on the day the student will be absent. Did you know that Halifax Regional Arts (HRA) gives opportunities to all HRCE students to have enhanced fine arts experiences?. More Info. Every Child Matters Always . Terence Bay Site. . Main: (902) 864-7524; Fax: (902) 864-7554; Safe Arrival: (902) 864-3176hrce . Please try hard to arrive by 8:46 daily to have plenty of. ca. Kids' Help Phone . Teaching Staff; Name Role / Department Phone Email Online ; Ashe, Kelly : Grade 3/4 English : [email protected]. What's New. HRCE Bus Planner. Safe Arrival: (902) 829-4221 Leave a message. ca Safe Arrival: 1-833-582-6940 Follow us on Twitter: @SSEShrceSchool Supplies - General Expectations Gr 10-12. All three methods are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Younger children still need to develop the cognitive and physical skills to make safe judgments about road crossing and traffic. SchoolMessenger: Safe Arrival Learn more. B2W 3G2 Ph: (902) 435-8318 Fax: (902) 435-8323 Email: [email protected]. Lunch monitors needed- please contact school office for more details- 902-435-8435 . . caMain Phone (902) 464-2084; Fax (902) 464-2866 Principal: Carol-Anne Larade Vice Principal: Adele Hazel Administrative Assistant: 100% Paula Leger, 50% Louisa ManualSafe Arrival Process SchoolMessenger’s SafeArrival is an absence-management system that improves student safety and makes it easy for you to let the school know about your child’s absence. ca. . What's New. Families, Your child's classroom teacher will reach out to you prior to the first day of school. School Messenger Safe Arrival Learn more. Safe Arrival - School Messenger Learn more. Upcoming Events. More Info. 833. Ridgecliff Athletics. Seaside Elementary 1881 Caldwell Rd Eastern Passage, NS B3G 1J3. wmt. Read Article. Toll-Free Number. Classroom teachers take attendance twice daily - before O'Canada at 8:10 a. Kathy Henning. Our school will beToll-Free Number. To ensure families are informed of student attendance first thing in the morning, a notification tool called SafeArrival by SchoolMessenger will be implemented at the following schools, starting in the 2021-22 school year:Safe Arrival. 5 John Stewart Dr Phone (902) 464-5200/ (902) 464-5201 Fax (902) 464-5247 Safe Arrival 1-833-582-6940© 2023 Halifax Regional Centre for EducationDartmouth, Nova ScotiaB3A 1T9Main Office (902) 464-2094Student Absence Line: (902) 464-2094 Press 1. If your child will be late for the start of school please call the office at 902. If you are hoping to connect with us during this time of school closure please email [email protected] Arrival Line: 1-833-582-6940. • encouraging a positive attitude about school. To report your student absent, you can use any of the following methods: PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal Parents/guardians can log in to. Bus Planner Library Catalogue Bell Schedule HRCE Calendars Stock Transportation MyBusPlanner. Safe Arrival Information. 5614 Morris St. African Heritage Month . Safe Arrival: Our Safe Arrival phone number is 902-457-7800 (extension 1). Summer School . 6 -June 7: Track & Field -June 16: Last pizza day-June 17: Field Day June 24: Grade 6 los-Harrietsfield, NS B3V 1B1 Phone (902) 479-4230 Fax (902) 479-4235 Safe Arrival: 1-833-582-6940© 2023 Halifax Regional Centre for EducationSchool Administration Supervisor. Read Article. Hello everyone, The school telephone number 902-868-2802 will no longer be used for Safe Arrival purposes. Spring. Telephone: (902) 464-2000 ext 2275. Click Link for More Information Learn more. Read Article. Read Article. . Absences can be reported at any time before the start of school on the day the student will be absent. . 6940 Excel: 902. Telephone: (902) 464-2000 ext 4361. Toll-Free Number. caTitle: Microsoft Word - Safe Arrival Workflow Diagram Author: LillyJ Created Date: 8/29/2022 2:44:42 PMMain Office (902) 864-6838 Safe Arrival 1-833-582-6940 Fax (902) 864-6844 [email protected]. Did you know: ~If your child is 20 minutes late every day, he/she will have missed 12 days of instruction by the end of the school year? ~If your child misses only 2 days of school per month, he/she will have missed one month worth of instruction by the end of. . ca : Zimmermann, Marielena : Grade 3 French : 902-479-4437 : MZimmerm[email protected] Office--(902) 827-4666 (Ext. Hillside Park Elementary 15 Hillside Ave. ca to have the issues resolved. Safe Arrival Toll Free Number: 1-833-582-6940. ca 902-832-5800 email H. Rocky Lake Elementary uses an automated Safe Arrival System that was implemented at a number of schools last year and has been rolled out to all schools in the HRCE this year. [email protected]. 6 -June 7: Track & Field -June 16: Last pizza day-June 17: Field Day June 24: Grade 6 los-Email: [email protected] Smallwood Avenue, Lake Loon, Nova Scotia (902) 464-5177 Safe Arrival Line: 1-833-582-6940 Fax: (902) 464-5182Kingswood P to 6 Handbook 2022-2023 Welcome to Pre-Primary & Primary Supply Lists for 2023-2024 Powerschool Parent Login School Cash Online School Cafeteria EXCEL Program Bus Planner / Student Transportation Student Severe Medical Forms Early French Immersion Information 2023-2024 Parent School Association SIP - Student Insurance. (902) 493-5158 email: [email protected]. Safe Arrival - Toll Free 1-833-582-6940. Bedford, NS B4A 4J6 [email protected]/transportation Once you’ve activated your account, you can revisit your bus information at hrcetransportation. School Messenger: Safe Arrival 1-833-582-6940 If a student is going to be ABSENT OR LATE* for school you must report a FULL DAY, Absent with Notification using the SchoolMessenger: Safe Arrival APP or calling the Safe Arrival toll free line. June 7th, 2023. More Info. ca Reporting Bussing Issues: BusReport Teachers Resources and Educational Tools Cafeteria - Menus, Price Lists & Notices Safe Arrival Information Aladdin Rehersal Schedule and Tickets Daily Announcement ArchiveSafe Arrival: 1-833-582-6940 Fax: 902-493-5186 School Email Address: [email protected] Sackville, NS Phone: (902) 864-7535 Fax: (902) 864-7567 E-mail: [email protected]. . Black Lives Matter Always. Safe Arrival. Twitter. New Safe Arrival Number: 1-833-582-6940 (toll free) Friday April 8th, 2022 at 3:51 pm ‹ Later Article; Earlier Article ›. Kids Help Phone . If your child is going to be absent OR late for any reason, please call the Safe Arrival line at 902-857-4203. ca. Send Message. Hello Families, Please find attached the final communication from the WBS Team for June 2023. 23-24 Supply list. Paying For School Related Activities Made Easy!!!! School Cash. ns. Classroom Supplies 2023=2024. ca . Daily Announcements. No announcements yet today. Safe Arrival. Parents/guardians can call 1-833-582-6940 to report future absences using an automated system. . Primary Registration Learn more. Staff Directory. Did you know:. What's New. Should there be any discrepancy, the transportation office has the final word. Read Article. What is SchoolMessenger’s SafeArrival? SchoolMessenger’s SafeArrival is an absence-management system that improves student safety and makes it easy for you to let the school know about your child’s absence. Suggested Supply Lists 2023-24. Please find attached our school supply list for the. ca Safe arrival: 902-493-5169 Westmount Elementary June 2022 Newsletter Principal: Teri McGinn Vice Principal: Shauna Boudrean Admin Assistant: Ann D’Eon N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9 Upcoming Dates -June 6: Track & Field Gr. Thursday July 20th. Welcome Grade 6s Students to. PowerSchool Substitute Login. More Info. m. End of the Year. Safe Arrival Learn more. Friday April 8th, 2022 at 2:05 pm Safe Arrival is now available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal or by calling 1-833-582-6940. Buy LT Customized Clothing Plan For Communicating Student Learning Safe Arrival The Lunch Lady School Cash 2022-23 HRCE School Calendar 22-23 Grade 6 LTJH School Supply List 22-23 Grades 7&8 LTJH School Supply List Healthy Schools Grant Annual Report Welcome to Leslie Thomas:. What's New. Safe Arrival Procedures. pdf. • communicating regularly with your child's teachers. , Halifax, NS, B3J 1C2 Phone: (902) 421-6749 Safe Arrival: 1-833-582-6940 (Toll Free) [email protected] visit for any questions regarding our new automated Safe Arrival process.