1: Add wisp to Pult (or status it with poison somehow) 2: Wisp ting-lu. ) Welcome to the official RU Viability Rankings thread. +2 ice punch netting gligar w/ LO is really significant I feel, as well as neutral drain doing a healthy enough chunk to m. Hello everyone and welcome to the Post-HOME Viability List! We are not yet ready to have the fully-fledged viability rankings up with so many developments happening so quickly, including potential bans. Jan 23, 2023. ago. For example, Ferrothorn can be ranked in the A tier as a supportive presence, Ash Greninja can be ranked in the A+ as an offensive presence, and Toxapex can be ranked in the A+ tier as a defensive presence. Art made by Bummer . This metagame is run by a tiering council. In terms of weaknesses, Hydreigon has a lot of options. . The difference is that it lacks genuine defensive counterplay. Click 'Save/Download' and add a title and description. Resource - SV NU Viability Rankings | Page 4 | Smogon Forums. (art coming soon) Welcome to the official SV CAP Viability Rankings! In this thread, we as a community will rank every single usable Pokemon into ranks. May 8, 2021. BW RU Resource Hub More detailed resources for the BW RU Metagame. The Viability Rankings will be updated appropriately as the metagame progresses or when new Pokemon become available, and we will take posts in this thread into consideration. Composition. 161 comments. Welcome to ST RU's official viability ranking. PU Leader. Welcome to the first ever Scarlet and Violet Overused viability rankings! In this thread, we, as a community, will be ranking every single justifiably usable Pokemon into "tiers" ranking their viability in the metagame. 6K. The subtle differences in each tier can make RU seem. Cress is not one of those. The Research Week project takes a look at a different Pokémon each week in an attempt to find new and creative sets for it. Zoroark. We voted on all Pokémon previously on the. 1. Dec 7, 2017. Gary. The ranking descriptions for what each rank means and what the characteristics are of Pokemon in these ranks are in the below spoiler: Ranking. The LC Viability Rankings shows how well every LC-viable Pokémon fares in the LC tier. Pokémon is © 1995 Nintendo. Forums. Aqua Jet; Dec 2, 2022; 2 3 4. People protect genesect with their lives. #1. This thread will be the hub for all resources and discussions, including Viability Rankings, suspect tests, quickbans and general conversation about the format as it develops. Pokemon are ranked based on their positive and/or negative traits, including their splashability, effect on the metagame, and reliability, as well as numerous other factors. tyronecarter35 • 1 mo. Welcome to the SV Battle Stadium Singles Viability Rankings. Oricorio is one of those Pokemon who actually sees a fair bit of usage in tournament games, and it's been quite good in that setting, which might confuse ppl who don't necessarily pay attention to the tournament scene. While any of the aforementioned Pokémon can be used in NU, only those Pokémon that make up at least ~3. And it’s one of only 3 returning viable Pokémon to go unranked… the others are Bisharp, who got a top tier evolution, and…SV Ubers Viability Rankings! Wild that toxapex and blissey ended up above houndstone. 100% winrate vs Ojama. VR Council. The SV OU Viability Rankings shows what Pokémon are viable in the OU metagame. Almost Any Ability (AAA) is an Other Metagame where Pokémon can now use almost any ability! That means that you can give your Corviknight Fluffy or your Talonflame Magic Guard. Like blissey can thunder wave flutter main and non-specs chi yu (the sun is constantly up. I'll go ahead and list some basic speed tiers from it to make its indexing easier: With 31 IVs and 252 EVs it gets to 399, this after a single boost (+1) is 598, and after two (+2), it's 798. With the exception of Pokémon banished to the Uber tier, every Pokémon can be used in OU, including Pokémon from UU, RU, NU, and PU. level 2. Welcome to the official RU Viability Rankings topic. 52% of total weighted usage in the tier are designated OU. . In this thread, we as a community will rank every single usable Pokemon into ranks. The RU Viability Rankings shows how well every RU-viable Pokémon fares in the RU tier. The general idea of the topic is to. National Dex RU has the following Megas: Houndoom, Steelix, Sceptile, Ampharos, Camerupt, Glalie, Abomasnow, Audino, and Banette. However, it is still early in the generation, so ressources may be lacking. Doubles Leader. With the exception of Pokémon banished to the Uber tier, every Pokémon can be used in OU, including Pokémon from UU, RU, NU, and PU. With the exception of Pokémon banished to the Uber tier, every Pokémon can be used in OU, including Pokémon from UU, RU, NU, and PU. Pokémon . Jul 9, 2023. In fact, Cress happens to have several gaping flaws. And with 10 more base power. War Incarnate said: Tatsugiri. If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. Feb 18, 2023. This will likely be the first of many similar threads this generation, but as always the goal is torank Pokemon based on their effectiveness in the Battle Stadium Singles metagame. (Steel): The tragedy of the former top-tier continues, as Silvally-Steel continues its descent down the RU viability rankings, landing as a smoldering pile of hubris in the B ranks for the very first time. . stolen from Molk and then MrAldo. amazing art by Kolohe . Thank you to for this beautiful banner! Welcome to the SS UU Viability Ranking Thread! Here, our goal is to sort every Pokemon with viability in the SS UU metagame into ranks based on their specific value in the tier. Pokemon from this rank tend to face a lot of competition with the more commonly used Pokemon. The PU Analyses Subforum is the place where all SS PU analyses are being written. If they absorb the wisp with another mon, wisp again or attack the mon trying to absorb the wisp. SpD. This list of speed tiers is based on the Viability Rankings (VR) above. It was the king of AG in Gen 7, even though now Zacian-Crowned has higher viability rankings than it (remember that Pokemon in higher ranks of +A, are ranked from top to bottom according to their viability), it's the second most viable Pokemon and the most used Pokemon. #1. Receiving a fainted teammate, possibly twice, sounds like an incredible asset on any teamCredit goes to Acast for creating the banner! These are the Viability Rankings for the ZU tier. Jan 8, 2021. Pokemon. In this thread, we as a community will be ranking every single usable Pokemon into. It's Base 80 Special Attack might make you think that it's a decent revenge killer, but that's not it's role in RU. There won't be any segregation between offense & defense threats. 85. C Rank : Reserved for Pokemon that are mediocre in the UU metagame, but have just as many notable flaws that prevent them from being effective. BW RU Viability Rankings A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW RU. This thread will be used to post your very own personal Viability Ranking for SV ZU. 2. Posts in this thread will be taken into account when deciding rank changes, but ultimately the final decision will fall on the VR. 52% of total weighted usage in the tier are designated 'PU. Threads 43 Messages 1. It can server as a good pivot and a screen setter, makes set up sweepers such as Linoone and Lucario a lot harder to deal with. Note that ranks are done alphabetically and not by viability. For information on Little Cup moveset legality, please refer to this guide. Cyclizar has nice traits that work for it in regular SV UU, but here we don't really need Normal defensive types and we already have a decent lineup of Dragons. Jun 2, 2023. - Flame orb Machamp has always been a neat wallbreaker and contributes to its increased viability, but the increased usage of AV is a larger reason why Machamp should rise in my opinion. Without further ado, the list (will be edited as the discussion goes by): S RANK. Create a Gen 8 RU Preliminary Viability Rankings SwSh tier list. All Pokemon from ranks S to A- are ranked in order of viability, while the. Closed Forums. Atk. RU; HP. BW RU Resources Includes viability rankings, sample teams, and relevant mechanics. I asked on the NatDex RU thread, and the response. Below are some calculations that demonstrate how powerful Eiscue is after Belly Drum. and ORAS RU. The most notable being that this metagame only allows you to select 3 out of your 6 Pokémon to send into battle, and that Pokémon are at level 50. Resource SS PU Viability Rankings. SS RU. With Choice Specs, that number gets even higher. 1 Answer. Mar 2, 2023. It can run many sets, including a Boots + Roost + 3 attacks set, choice scarf, or a set-up set with Bulk Up or Swords Dance. Welcome to the first ever Scarlet and Violet Overused viability rankings! In this thread, we, as a community, will be ranking every single justifiably usable. Predictions for RU Viability rankings (In the current state it is now) Of the mons from BW RU that are still RU by usage: Druddigon: S (Not really I think it'll be A-rank at best) Sceptile: A+/A with Shaymin around, when that's gone, S Slowking: S Moltres: A+/A Kabutops: A Uxie: B+/B. Welcome to the official National Dex Ubers Viability Rankings thread. OU (OverUsed) is Smogon's fundamental usage-based tier. Posts in this thread will be taken into account when. Loading. Join the LC Discord for live discussion! Threads 173 Messages 7. The Sample Teams thread gives common and easy to use teams to help new players get into the metagame. Trust but Verify. 2 votes. Play Restrictions. Basic Strategy. Welcome to Smogon!Pokemon | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex. SV NU Alpha Viability Ranking Tier List (During Alpha stages, Pokemon are going to be categorized into loose tiers in top, high, mid, and low) Top Tier: Bruxish. Home. Apr 26, 2017. Introduction. The RU Analyses Forum is the place to go for writing RU analyses. #1. Apr 5, 2023. Boots + RoostBoost Quaquaval is an outstanding mon to have, and allows you to secure important matchups, such as Dark and Steel. The Pokémon Showdown! PU room and PU Discord server are great places to discuss and ask questions regarding the SM PU metagame. Dec 14, 2020. Not to mention, top tier staples like Virizion has 90 base attack, but still functions nicely in RU. Slowking: B- to C I haven't really seen this mon getting a lot of use and when I do it doesn't really do too much. With this said, there is demand for a viability list that people can use as a threat list to use to weigh their options for teambuilding. The Viability Rankings aims to give an objective look at how the metagame trends are shaping up the tier. Not being scarf locked is also really nice, as your biggest competition is Magnemite who needs the scarf to be able to function. The SS Doubles OU Viability Rankings sorts Pokémon that are effective in Doubles OU by how well they fare against the rest of the metagame. Welcome to the official Sword and Shield RU Viability Rankings thread! In this thread, we as a community will rank every usable Pokemon into ranks. DM us with any inquiriesWelcome to the RU Old Gens Hub. There are some calcs:A- seems appropriate, I honestly would prob put it as an A-rank in the "Pokemon expulso spams the shit out of" rankings but think A- is appropriate for the general RU VR due to low damage output, mediocre synergy with some of the SR users, and the fact that it lets in Lazzle/Plume/Decid kind of for free [Scald burns and toxic annoy the 2. 52% of total weighted usage in the tier are designated OU. Quaxwell -> single-handedly allowed SV PU to become random focus sash: the tier. Hello UU and welcome to the Personal Viability Ranking thread! The official Viability Rankings won’t be made until the meta has settled post-February shifts,. With 31 IVs and 252 EVs. In this thread, Pokemon are ranked based on their ability to function within the ZU Metagame. While any of the aforementioned Pokémon can be used in NU, only those Pokémon that make up at least ~4. sets can be found herewonder how the implementation (or former lack thereof) of Revival Blessing will affect the usage of Pawmot and Rabsca. Keep in mind that this thread is simply a reference list and should not be. The BW RU Tier; Neverused (NU) Pokemon present in the NU tier lack qualities that would allow them to operate effectively, even in the UU (or RU). Arctozolt is also OK in PU. Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules . Also the home of Pokemon who can easily perform multiple roles effectively, increasing their versatility and. The VR Council has voted on the first VR slate post-home! As this is a very fresh metagame, this may be thought of as preliminary viability rankings, but with OSDT around the corner we felt it was important to have this resource as up to date as possible. 6K. Feb 29, 2020. This is a place to talk about the rise and fall of individual pokemon instead. 10 posts, 6/28 4:12PM. Monotype is a format where all Pokémon on your team must share a common type. (click the sprites for the exportable!) & - A Sun Team. While any of the aforementioned Pokémon can be used in UU, only those Pokémon that make up at least. RU, NU, and PU. 2 votes. #1. The leader of this metagame is Corthius. You can nominate Squadmon to rise or drop when supported with enough reasoning. SV UU Viability Rankings Update: Quaquaval, Pelliper, Decidueye and Rotom-Heat Ranked / Forretress and Toedscruel Blacklisted into D RankIf Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm. All Pokémon must be level 5. This Haban Goodra also protects you from any stray special attacking Dragon types, of which there are basically 0, but the surprise Specs Hydreigon or Tatsugiri shouldn't be able to OHKO you. According to Finch, Toxapex barely dropped, but its general passivity in a metagame that's trending aggressively and can mitigate the impact of status pretty well has hurt it. Project SV UU Personal Viability Rankings. #1. 4. Welcome to the LC viability ranking project. Weak Armor. A Pokémon is truly OU if a typical competitive player is more than 50% likely to. Approved by myself. In this thread, you're. Sword and Shield RU Viability Rankings. Ribombee is literally the only viable sticky web setter in RU. #1. This includes many factors, such as versatility, effectiveness, ability to handle metagame trends, size of niche, and several others. hot take and might be a little late on this one but it's time to drop Rose to A. $46. Steelix is one of the best physically defensive walls in a meta run by Mimikyu and Crobat, leading to a rise in its viability. Well Scizor is in a bit of a weird case, as it was dropped mainly due to the prevalence of. Composition. #102. For example, Ferrothorn can be ranked in the A+ tier as a supportive presence, Kartana can be ranked in the A+ as an offensive presence, and Toxapex can be ranked in the A+ tier as a defensive presence. Thursday at 3:06 PM. PokemonAug 18, 2020. Due to subjectivity with tiering, people will have differing opinions on where Pokemon land on the viability rankings. Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules . . Share your Tier List. Welcome to the official SV AG Viability Rankings thread. PU is Smogon's fifth usage-based tier. Replies 87 Views.