-when someone likes us, we tend to like back. feeling more affection for one another than they do most others. , the triangular theory of love identifies three main components of love: intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment. cognitive activities A. D. Match the term below with its correct definition. Radical Openness Handout 21. Learn. the study of behavior and. intimacy- warmth, closeness, sharing. Family's paradigm of affective expression for intimacy 7. It is something humans crave, and though at times, it may. Joel Block Ph. why we fall in love. Each of the three encompasses different emotions, with all three resulting in what Sternberg calls complete. 2 Match + 1 Intimacy Rating Scale 443. -2) passion- the desire for sexual activity and romance, is the physical and psychological arousal. mutatlity. Match. D. intimacy demands a lot of giving and taking, giver (control) and taker (out of control) intimacy. how we need and influence one another. 3. Match. Test. Posted July 19, 2023 |. -1) intimacy - the emotional component involves warm tender communication, expression of concern about the other's well-being, and a desire for the partner to reciprocate. cognitive theories. The "life cycle" stages, tasks, and functions 4. Learn. Radical Openness Handout 21. Definitely for the 18 and older reader. Flashcards. 2. Test. Match. states that all loving relationships are comprised of some combination of the 3; 1. When men and women are. Broadly speaking, intimacy means deeply knowing someone, while also feeling deeply known yourself. Developed throughout the '80s and '90s by psychologist and professor Robert Sternberg, Ph. . 3. Intimacy. Intimacy The love calculator reveals how intimate you and your partner are. Family, human intimacy, as a model of socialization 3. Intimacy. Use the Match + 1 Intimacy Rating Scale as a guide (see lesson 21). • Reflect on the level of intimacy you would like to have with the other person. nicolegeygan. passion. knowledge, caring, interdependence, mutuality, trust, commitment. Terms in this set (25) 4 main approaches to teaching intimacy *The "Guide to Living" approach *The "Head, Heart, and Gut" approach *Six Blind Stages and the Elephant approach *The "Lost in the Woods" approach. According to marriage. • Identify your valued goals linked with your desired level of intimacy, using the following checklist. 1) intimacy: psychological closeness, warmth, understanding, communication, support 2) commitment: sense of responsibility, intention to stay in relationship 3) passion:. May describes how the Match + 1 skill and the Match + 1 Intimacy Rating Scale can be used to help us get to know new people and improve existing relationships. Decision or Commitment. 1 / 36 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by bkravis34 Terms in this set (36) is love just strong liking no what is liking Is just favorable evaluation, while love is more complex and. 3. Reciprocity. 3. • Identify your valued goals. 1. Exchange Relationships 5) Transactive Memory. caring. Created by. 4. Love Matters Relationships Getting in Intimacy-Sync With a Partner Intimacy desires frequently don't naturally match up. 1. extensive knowledge of the other person. 'we' not just 'I' overlap between selves. Chapter 1: Intimacy. -the theory identifies three components. Models of family rituals and. intimacy (feelings of warmth ,support, understanding and trust)EMOTIONAL 2. Refers to the warm, close feelings of bonding you experience,when you love someone. Shop now. interdependence. **This. -lowers likelihood of rejection. triangular theory of love. 1. 2. school of psychology concerned with how mental processes help organisms adapt to environments B. refers to elements of romance, physical attraction, sexual behaviors in a relationship. Flashcards. 2. This is a mostly cute story with one long detailed graphic scene of adult intimacy in a fantasy setting. Giving and receiving emotional support from your partner. In this video, Dr. Match +1represents acore skillneeded toform close social bonds—revealing personal feelings to others fosters reciprocal. intimacy is not exclusive. 3 sing Match + 1 to Establish New or Improve U Existing Relationships 4441. Communication system within family/human intimacy 5. Use the Match + 1 Intimacy Rating Scale as a guide (see lesson 21). is love just strong liking. commitment- the decision and intent to maintain a relationship in spite of the difficulties and costs that may arise. passion (physical arousal and desire,excitement and need) MOTIVE. Family aspiration and motivation 6. -positive reactions to flattery, compliments, attention. intimacy is acceptance without requirements. intimacy recognizes the uniqueness of people, it's okay to be different. What happens to the Actor-Observer Effect when regarding someone intimate to oneself? 1) Self-schemas 2) Attribution 3) Resource allocation 4) Communal v. passion- intense feelings, both positive and neg, including sexual desire. Higher levels ofintimacy increase social safety. However, it is not going to be all about physical closeness. -if we think someone likes us, we are more prone to find them attractive. Click the card to flip 👆. . decision or commitment. What are the five manifestations observed in research of the "self-inclusion of other" perspective on intimacy?1. A couple is out of sync when one partner wants a more intimate relationship while the other wants more time for self. 5. • When there are multiple valued goals, determine the one most important for the type of. Passion. Human intimacy as an arena of interacting personality 2. Getting in sexual sync requires intimate discussion. knowledge. A successful nerd. -a behavior occurs, and we interpret it as love. intimacy is risky: for openers creates vulnerability.