Ied calculator maplestory. Verify if an equipment is enhanced with 15/30/70/100% spell trace. Ied calculator maplestory

 Verify if an equipment is enhanced with 15/30/70/100% spell traceIed calculator maplestory  These calculators do take some serious time investment to use though and

With calculators and unlimited funding, most classes will want 9/0/0 Att/Boss/IED, some will want 8/1/0 or 8/0/1. In fact, end game bosses require a minimum of 90% ied to deal decent damage. Mixed spell trace is not supported. Go to Maplestory r/Maplestory. CRA and Abso can both be 100+ in a reasonable number of flames now. same level is 10% increase (0% in Reboot). This system replaced the Character Card system while retaining the aspect of character bonuses. Draqoner. Set effects like Absolab all those give IED. IED Effectiveness Charts. Possible reason: -Most boss is strong against all element and physical attacks, so damage is reduced by 50%. Cerberus Chomp, and Awakened Demon Lash work. -Being 5 level over the monster/boss give a 20% damage increase (10% in Reboot). Yes, Reboot's additional damage % from their beginner passive is already accounted for when entering your damage % into the calculator from your stat window. Preparation: Decent Sharp Eyes equipped. For a fairly cheap baseline, hitting two lines of attack, or one attack, one IED/boss, and a third useful line (IED/boss/main stat/sometimes crit but rarely) is good. Legion System, also known as Maple Union, is an in-game system that allows players to use their characters as attackers on a battlefield while having them to give bonuses account-wide based on the level and job of each character. Click for details Level . Compare attack, damage, and IED lines on WSE, taking into consideration individual skills IED. Lin. Apart from set effects, legion and link skills, kannas generally roll for 1-2 lines of IED on their weapon or emblem, but having more lines is completely acceptable as 6k+ legion will take a long time, and its a major source of ied and familiars not accessable until lv 245. This MapleStory Legion guide breaks down this important progression system with the effects, grid bonuses, ranks, coins and raid mechanic covered. When it is detonated, the blast from the IED will cause all players within its range to take damage. You can probably make do with around 80 or something prob less. This tool is designed to optimize your hyper stats against end-game bosses. MapleStory Fantasy anime Action anime Adventure anime Anime . Calculate final IED by adding or subtracting IED lines. ago. LV 215-216. A 3% increase in IED (going from 96% to 99%) is about an equivalent damage boost to gaining 36% matk (in my case specifically). IED Example: 2 sources of 15% IED equates to about 27% IED, but 1 source of 30% IED will equate to 30% IED. If you're a little off, that's fine. This WSE comparison calculator is flexible enough to allow all these types of comparisons. (Currently ~6/2/1 W/S/E). IED is Ignore Enemy Defense. Monster Life Breeding and Play Reference (WIP) KMST 1. Flames are additive. You will unlock exclusive Discord help channels where you may ask to receive the kind of support that others normally won't get, and we will make sure you understand everything there is to know. 2L of 30% ied seems fine for now. junhang159 • 2 yr. DEX. 54. If the option isn't availble, select "N/A". Given every MapleStory account will be different given class, equipment, link skills and legion the only way to be certain in your hyper stat investment is to use a MapleStory hyper stat calculator (SuckHard or DelusionDash are my recommended options). 0: GMS Unleashed - bugs and problems: Reboot world discussion and tips: KMST 1. First spreadsheet on google docs will help. The second 30 only applies to the 70 "left over" after the first 30 got. This page describes the potential and bonus potential system used by equipment items. Legion: Often closely tied with IED as this is one of the key drivers of Legion power this is included as it gives insight into both the amount of passive power you have available through the likes of IED. If a mob/boss has 50% PDR, then your damage is halved (reduced by 50%). 57. Experimental Probability. Enter Your Stats. I've made some progress with my familiar card grinding, and I finally roll. 2. A Simple Maplestory IED Calculator. So say if you have 90% IED and your enemy has 50 PDR, you'd deal 5% reduced damage, and if they have 250 PDR you'd deal 25% reduced damage. Now seeing w. What we would need is a comparison calc between Stats vs Decent Skills vs CritDamage%, it is the only thing we don't really have yet. Event: 5/10/15 +2 Stars (Up to 10 stars) 30% off No Boom Event (Up to 15 stars) Note: Getting above 22 stars on Normal gear is very unlikely. JonathanLanden • 6 yr. That said, it does figure in a rough progression of boss/ied along with your range. 5m without 150%+ boss and 80%+ ied. Step 1. Then have 1 secondary with 2 lines att and another with 2 lines boss. MapleStory IED is a one of the weapons that players have at their disposal It does not require any specialties, but it requires all the usual weapon skills. Use one of the many WSE calculators made by the community to discover what you actually want. Dom should be atleast 100 Depending on how many flames 85/90 flame score is good on cra/abso I believe. But my issue isn’t that you say vhilla is hard, it’s that people separate maple into “early/mid/late” when clearly there are many more stages than just 3 in this game in terms of progression. IED % Damage Bonus % Final Damage % Critical Damage % LUK. 1 All Stat % = Main Stat. Click the added IED sources to delete them. Go to Maplestory r/Maplestory. ago. AppleFlash MapleStory Tools. Endgame is much more than 95 ied. I DON'T HAVE TO DELETE MY CHANNEL XD~Training Guide Timestamps~0:00 - Introduction1:47 - Experience Boosters4:16 - (10-25) Golem Temple 4:45 - (20-30) Giant. When this quantity is bigger than or equal to 1, the entirety. Sort by: best. IED Calculator. 260% boss is where 12% Att is worth more (on regular. This will double the amount of symbols in Chuchu Town daily's. Hyperstats and familiars are also sources of bossdmg and ied but bossdamage requires epic familiars. 5% of 300% is 15%, so you'd be doing 85% of your actual damage on CVell. Wep potential should cover whatever you're lacking, whether that be att/boss/IED. 2)nodes ied does not effect the value shown. If you are unsure what category your equipment belongs. You can reuse back the buffs (for consumables, you would need to. Click here. SuckHard's Maplestory Tools. Lumi link seems to always be Bis regardless of how much IED you have. In the event the calculator suddenly stops working for you (when in the past it did), clear your. $$ The quantity $ ext{PDR} * ( 1- ext{IED} )$ can be thought of as the percent of damage reduction applied to attacks by PDR after applying IED. . Click for details. It's more like 98 or 99 depending on class. atk on potentials for a mage weapon has been our running joke for 15 years. You simply put every line of IED% you have into the right section. 74%. For example, if you get 1 unique an hour from training, you'd get 375 familiar points per hour. Then, talk to Daidal to enter. . Click here to be directed to the Bonus Potential section. got a 15% ied debuff that buffs drop rate too, but other than that no party buffs. Note: If the calculator does not work on your first attempt, refresh the page and try again. HOWEVER, any source (blaster legion) is better than not having it. I don't know what the fakesolab can do or cannot do, but i'd suggest focusing on sorting out your weapon for some %atk first before touching the emblem IEDs. When my wife first started playing all those years ago, her first Mage wore a Fusion Mace because she thought it looked pretty. Are you at the stage where you need to aim for 8K legion in maplestory or is it too early? Most mid-game players should not be aiming for 8k legion as a goal. I would aim for about 88-90% IED and AT LEAST 200+ boss dmg if you plan on soloing nlomien + contribute to nlucid. PepperMinhT • 5 yr. To add on, level 40 enhanced nodes get additional ied too. Think of percent damage like boss damage that is. Draqoner. The percent damage reduction component of the damage formula $$1 - ext{PDR} * ( 1- ext{IED} ). Fill in all your stats and you can compare the actual damage you will do on something. This tool is designed to determine your character's stat equivalences. Instead, every new source of IED only applies to the enemy defense that is not yet ignored. There's also a version that supports custom familairs. When the new slime boss update comes late December/early January, there's a new hyper stat for up to +55% damage on normal monsters. 2. I have about 60% IED, and Cerberus Chomp says it has 50% Defense rate ignored. Potent Lyone (LV 220) Map: Hidden Illard Field. Around 80% is good enough for most of the bosses in the game, but you're going to want 90%+ for CVell and Lotus. I would keep your emblem because generally you want 3 lines of % attack (which could cost a fortune). You probably also want to reroll your secondary for 2 line attack. 409 - Thief/Pirate Revamp [1. 2. ds got a built in 100% crit rate and built in ied and boss damage in his bossing moves, thus you don't have to have a huge legion to be strong. 6. WSE Comparison. I sit at around 90% without a line of IED on gear on my DrK. In this case I didn't wanted to farm Lord Pirate, Tae Roon and Master Dummy, all I really did was just purchase them and I had to farm the other monsters, keep in mind you can only get King Sage Cat from booster packsThe optimization calculator is not yet complete. Receive special 1 on 1 support that will walk you through every question you have about the calculators! Download v. Although settle at 90 is fine if you’re not invested in flames. people use way less IED than they should. 09/0. DEX . Hardux should be accessible before CRA for 15% IED plus you've got 15% boss/15% IED (soon to be 20%) from the current event. Plus on Beast Tamer, the class has the highest %IED in one minute sharing other animal modes passive. Star Force. Another source of IED for you besides from your WSE would be having 2-3 15% IED familiars. 1 Attack = Main Stat. People used to take the IED hyper before hunters prey was buffed, but nowadays the hunters prey hyper is more value. 480. IED or Ignore Enemy Defense negates that stat. HP. Use my Stat Equivalent Calculator to determine the ratios for your character. To enter the sewers, click on the "Guild Contents" tab in the guild window, then click on "Enter" for Sharenian Sewers. by Pearlite ────────────────────────────── IED list seperated by comma: Target. Boss/IED potential is basically worthless these days. Compare attack, damage, and IED lines on WSE, taking into consideration individual skills IED. Check if an equipment's has been fully enchanced using 15/30/70/100% spell trace. That can often play a big part in IED sources as well, since classes like demon slayer have 50% IED sources in V skills that are up almost all the time (worth 2 lines of IED), shadower+Xenon+DA have built in IED for certain skills, and classes like Mihile receive 100% IED during their 30s burst (making IED lines useless for the duration). I've recently inputted all of my stats into the optimization calculator and from what I can tell, even at ~96% IED, more sources of IED seem to always increase FD on. Midnight Chaser Helper. you'll have to reroll it at some point, since 2L of IED is too much. So now instead of your damage being reduced by 50%, it's reduced by 45%. Maplestory 2, Aanyeong: Maplestory "High Five" Private Showcase: RED micro-site now out! People being hacked since the last Server Check. % damage adds range that is negligible because when boss damage is factored in your range would be reduced by what is added from percentage damage because it is added to it. Flame calculator & updated dailies/weeklies tracker. The comparison between crit damage and boss damage comes down to diminishing returns, and crit damage% is usually smaller than total damage% which makes 1% of crit damage better than 1% of boss damage. Compare attack, damage, and IED lines on WSE, taking into consideration individual skills IED. 3) = 44%. You can easily get 90%+ IED and 200%+ boss damage from hypers, links, legion, your skills, V matrix, and other sources. In other words, for endgame bosses with 300% defense, as long as you have 67% ied or above (which is a reasonable assumption) 42% chance to ignore 100% defense is functionally the same as 100% chance to. As I mentioned in the post, I bought some familiars. Boss and ied on weapon and secondary. Top configurations Collapse Expand . Current Inner Ability. IED calculator. Lotus and Damien reaching high Legion ranks (6k or above) is a critical step due to the powerful stats of IED, Boss Damage and Critical Damage on offer. vs. 8k Legionyea that 3x exp is looking juicy. Stat Equivalent Calculator. Midnight Chaser Helper. Join our Discord: SuckHard's Calculators Discord. [Regular servers]:. This. This is definitely achievable without ied lines on gear. The calculator will automatically update the table below based on your input. If the IED formula does not change the negative values to ones, you can expect the damage to be the same. This just means final damage % doesnt have diminishing returns while other stats like boss damage% and crit damage% do. With any luck familiars will be back before the event ends to replace the codex 30% and hopefully more. The calculator may. Hello! I'm playing on a MapleSEA server, and I am having a lot of troubles on figuring out how to achieve the 93% IED, 200%+ Boss damage and higher critical damage% that people recommend, because most of the pages I have read mostly applies to GMS or other regions. 2. 82 / 375, or 46. The html/js code was written when I began learning coding and its a complete shitshow. Swap them out when you're bossing/mobbing. Ideally 220-250~ boss, and 90% PDR/IED is really all you need. IED Calculator. To begin, enter your equipment's level. Enter Your Stats. Hey guys! I made a familiar video before, but I don't think it was super detailed. WSE Comparison. Caution. Total IED: 93. Calculate final IED by adding or subtracting IED lines. It works like this: Say a boss has 50% PDR. Future additions to the calculator will include: The ability to determine the best possible WSE setup given your current stats. Note that each potential line of Ignore DEF (even on the same item) are counted separately, and hyper skills that increase ignore DEF for attacks are. IED Calculator . Also a finished main pot secondary should only have boss% or att%, and IED exclusively on emblem as needed. You're probably not getting 1m range with sub-100% boss damage or 1. Stat assumes many things: your boss, attack, ied, and level are all appropriate for the boss. -Against 300% defense bosses, 97% ied take away 291% of the defense away, so damage is reduced by 9%. IED Calculator. This calculator will display the possible bonus stats you can get when flaming an item. How can i get more IED? I really don't think you should have re-cubed your 21% attack on your secondary. Run 2 secondary weapons imo. . HP . Hello everyone, Ignore enemy defence (IED) is a great stat to have but you can never be to sure how much you really have and what you need to do to increase it.