11 X'ian Forming Bulb; 2. Egg It's an egg! Type: Omnivore: Category food Food value 10 Farm beast food value 10 (carnivore). 1x Perfect Stand. 1 Wooden Workbench;From Frackin' Universe Wiki. or Hand Mill. Hot biomes reduce a X'ians defense by 15% and increase food consumption by 35%. Category craftingMaterial Rarity Common Price 1 Tags. 2. Created by MrHimera. 2. 1x Spliced Cell. turn off torches, etc. Quietus Ore into Quietus Bar) and has a chance to produce additional materials. Contents 1 How to obtain 1. A greenhouse to let the sun through. Due to the large scope of Frackin' Universe, there are more than a few mods that can suffer compatibility issues that could cause things like bricking characters, corrupting the universe, and even crashing the game. 1. 1 Greenhouse; 1. 1 Growing Tray; 2. 8 Incubator 1. Anything Arcana unlocks via makeing the predecessor item. 1 Crafting. 2. Farm beast food value. 2. exe file and move it it to your starbound directory where the "starbound_server. + Based loosely on real-world science, many resources can be found just as you'd expect. 1 How to obtain. The budding space faring scientist needs to get to know their lab equipment. You will want to progress through everything else of a given tier first before tackling hot worlds. 11 Primitive Furnace; 2. Category cookingIngredient Rarity Common Price 15 ID cacti Contents. . Status effects apply for some time duration, which may be indefinite, and they may change over time. Category craftingMaterial Rarity Common Price 76 Tags reagent: ID ff_fertilizer Unlocked by Fertilizer (Chemistry tree). very heavily modded. 11 Mining 1. Arnust. Contents. Growth Rate x 1. Failing to do so will render your Mech unresponsive. block. From Frackin' Universe Wiki. 10 Terraforge; 2. 2 Exploration. Jump to navigation Jump to search. 29x Genes. - Floran Cannibals: Known for their. 12 Treasured Trophies; 2. 2. 1x 4-Bit Sequencer (With Inputs) 4x Persistent Switch. 2 Crafting. L. 2. Expect a learning curve. Contents. 5 Silver Block: 6 Sloped Heavy Pipe: 6 Sloped Metal Pipe: 6 Spider Silk: 6 Stone Rubble: 6 Yellow Glow. 2. 2 Crafting. 2. 20 Nanofabricator; 2. 1. Harvesting most crops (see below) has a small chance to yield some Plant Fibre, so it's relatively easy to. Jump to navigation Jump to search. 1. 2. From Frackin' Universe Wiki. From Frackin' Universe Wiki. 5 Alchemy Table 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 3 Quantum Extractor; How to obtain Crafting Infinity Express. 2. Mods that decrease rendering distance (e. Irradiated, Toxic, Alien, Proto, Chromatic, Jungle and Fungal biomes increase Power and Energy Regen by 15% and reduce food consumption by 5%. Frackin' Universe Official Game Server Collection. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Public. Recipe WARNING - This is an "automated" page. 2. 1. Perhaps the largest of the mods for Starbound, FrackinUniverse combines new biomes, a hugely increased crafting system, science, monsters, tiles and hundreds of other assets to the game. 1. 2. 2 Extractions. 2. Frackin' Universe makes its own changes to some of the included mods, which is even. 11 Greenhouse; 2. Jump to navigation Jump to search. A talk in accountability. It can be obtained in unlimited quantities using Infinite mixing on Atropus Sea worlds and extracted for very useful resources (Note that this liquid can't be mixed in the. Community Garden is a Tenant-based machine for growing/harvesting plants. 2 GB. A crystal used to power FTL technology. 1x Biochemist Centrifuge. It deals flat damage and can accidentally kill the monster instead of capturing it. Capture Gun is a cheaper variant of Mega Capture Gun. This guide from this point on may spoil some of the content or otherwise remove the discovery aspect. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The Greenhouse is a lab equipment used for engineering new strains of plants and seeds. 13 Greenhouse; 2. 1x Dense Alloy. Category liquid Mech fuel: 1 Effects Slow Rarity uncommon Price 0 ID unrefinedliquidmechfuel Unlocked by Liquid Fuels (Chemistry tree). I. Plant Fibre is an omnipresent material. Plant Fibre is an important component of clothing, equipment and furniture. 19 Medical Station; 2. Does Frackin' Universe have any really good storage options? I can make the food locker, but I haven't because I'm not sure if I can put anything other than food into it. It's notable as a component for infinite mixing of Organic Soup . 2 Treasure pool; 2 Used for. Category seed Rarity Common Price 14 Colony tags nature: ID hopsseed Unlocked by Advanced Crops (Agriculture tree). Starbound Frackin' Universe Localization Projects. 2. 2. 7 Greenhouse; 2. 5000x Ancient Essence. 1 Well 1. 1. 2. g. 2. 2. 3. Completion: Don't forget that certain plants are almost essential^reset; for a viable gene-research laboratory. Banana Seed Genetically enhanced bananas. "Frackin' Universe" | Sayter | vN/A | 711. crafting. work: Every light source requires extra calculations. Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at standard temperatures and pressures. Create plants from raw materials. Iron Bar Ore for iron bars is primarily found on planets orbiting gentle stars. 1. 2. 8 X'ian Forming Bulb; How to obtain Exploration Treasure pool. Frackin' Universe incorporated the beer-brewing system from the Starbooze mod way back in 2015! Unlocks: Booze Kit, Distillery / Still, Fermenter, Fruit Press, Mashing Tun, Rain Barrel, Methanol, Beer, Tacti-Cool Mug. 13 Finding Resources 1. 1. Carbon Dioxide A common trace gas with many applications. * Acid EPP now provides longer breath time. Arcana breaks the gas giants and EPPs that Frackin uses. Category craftingMaterial. From Frackin' Universe Wiki. Contents. 10 Mashing Tun; 2. 1x Botany Lab. 1x The Bone Trophy. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Category block Block hitpoints: 4. Bolbohn Seeds and Dunestalk Seeds are the only annual plants in Frackin' Universe aside from certain wild crops. FU. 2. 1 How to obtain. 2. Jump to navigation Jump to search. 3. 75 seconds. 2. 1. The following is a general list of features and there is more to offer than listed. A measure of cool, clear water. 1x 3-Bit Sequencer (With Inputs) 4x Persistent Switch. 8516e6b 2 weeks ago. Jump to navigation Jump to search. From Frackin' Universe Wiki. 1x Glowing Red Mushroom. 1. Rice! For all your culinary needs. Frackin'Universe Guide 2 - Planets. 1 Extraction Lab; 2. Flesh Strand A long, sinewy strand of flesh. 1x Data Latch. craftingMaterial. 15 Storing Your Goods 1. Cell Matter Cell Matter - it can be used to craft unspeakable things. Category seed Rarity Common Price 12 Colony tags nature: ID algaeseed Unlocked by Advanced Crops (Agriculture tree). Rice Seed Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Miracle Grass Grass renowned for its healing ability. 8 Greenhouse; 2. 3. From Frackin' Universe Wiki. 1. 2. 1. 2. 17. WARNING - This is an "automated" page. Extractable, Centrifugable . 1 Greenhouse; 1. Plant Fibre ~0. From Frackin' Universe Wiki. Increased image optimisation check threshold. Plant Fibre ~0. The genes required to craft the seeds are. 1 Botany Lab; 2. 18 Inventor's Table; 2. This patch combines both ''More Planet Info Lush Planet Fix'' and. From Frackin' Universe Wiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Maximum power: 10W on normal planets (up to 20W is possible in highly unusual conditions). Category block Block hitpoints: 2 Rarity Common Price 0 ID. 25 & -1 seed use. Mercury Poison.