Ainfcnbjxxx. 75. Ainfcnbjxxx

75Ainfcnbjxxx 05

Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. LEI Code: 25490065OSV2524LCR32 Name: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank City: Beijing Address: AIIB Headquarters Tower A, Asia Financial Center No. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. 95. 1 Tianchen East Road, Chaoyang District Country: CN Postcode: 100101 Company ID: Registered At: / Legal Form: / Lei Data Registration: 2018-01-02 / 17:53:55 Managing of LOU: Bloomberg. Lookup swift bank codes in BEIJING to find the bank details and unique identifier used to make bank wire transfer financial transations. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. 16. asian infrastructure investment bank, tianchen east road, 1, tower a, asia financial center, chaoyang district, beijing, chinaAINFCNBJXXX; Código Swift (8 caracteres) AINFCNBJ: Nome da agência: ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK: Endereço da agência: TIANCHEN EAST ROAD, 1, TOWER A, ASIA FINANCIAL CENTER, CHAOYANG DISTRICT: Código da agência: XXX: Nome do banco: ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK: Cidade:. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. 23. 49. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). bank branch city swift 2744: china railway no. AINFCNBJXXX Ownership. 04. 83. A Swift Code is the standard format for Business Identifier Codes (BIC) and it's a unique identification code for banks and financial institutions globally. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Код swift для банка asian infrastructure investment bank - ainfcnbj. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Bank ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK. 2018/01/02 Financial Regulator. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Check the AINFCNBJXXX SWIFT / BIC code details below. These swift codes will help you identify the bank and branch swift code you need to use in order to send or receive money via a bank wire transfer. 61. 48. Tables. Swift Code AINFCNBJ is the unique bank identifier for ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK's head office branch located in BEIJING - CHINA and it's used to verify financial transactions such as a bank wire transfers (international wire transfers). Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 27. 11. N/A Country. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Nachrichten und Credit Rating. asian infrastructure investment bank, tianchen east road, 1, tower a, asia financial center, chaoyang district, beijing, chinaAsian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Below you can browse through all available bank swift codes in CHINA (CN BIC Codes). Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. ainfcnbj 或者 ainfcnbjxxx 銀行代碼 ainf-分配給asian infrastructure investment bank的代碼 國家代碼 cn-代碼屬於中國 位置和狀態 bj-代表位置,第二個數字“j”表示{狀態} 分行編號 xxx 或未分配,表示這是總行Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Bank swift. 71. a. no. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Lookup swift bank codes in BEIJING to find the bank details and unique identifier used to make bank wire transfer financial transations. Lookup swift bank codes in BEIJING to find the bank details and unique identifier used to make bank wire transfer financial transations. Información del emisor. 77. , ltd. 24. AINFCNBJ o AINFCNBJXXX Codice della banca AINF - codice assegnato a ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK Codice paese CN - codice appartenente a Cina Località e stato BJ - rappresenta la località, la seconda cifra 'J'. 3 engineering group co. Código SWIFT. Bank ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. News and credit ratings. AINFCNBJ. bank branch city swift 651: china railway no. SWIFT Code AINFCNBJ. These swift codes will help you identify the bank and branch swift code you need to use in order to send or receive money via a bank wire transfer. Swift Code AINFCNBJ is the unique bank identifier for ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK's head office branch located in BEIJING - CHINA and it's used to verify financial transactions such as a bank wire transfers (international wire transfers). ainfcnbj また ainfcnbjxxx 銀行コード ainf - コードはasian infrastructure investment bankに割り当てられています 国コード cn - コードは中国に属しています 所在地とステータス bj - 所在地を表します。2桁目の「j」はアクティブなコードを意味しますainfcnbjxxx; mã swift (8 ký tự) ainfcnbj: tên chi nhánh: asian infrastructure investment bank: Địa chỉ chi nhánh: tianchen east road, 1, tower a, asia financial center, chaoyang district: mã chi nhánhDetailed information about SWIFT Code AINFCNBJ SWIFT Code AINFCNBJ or AINFCNBJXXX Bank Code AINF - code assigned to ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK. Book a Demo. asian infrastructure investment bank, tianchen east road, 1, tower a, asia financial center, chaoyang district, beijing, chinaAINFCNBJ vagy AINFCNBJXXX Bankkód AINF - a(z) ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK kódja Országkód CN - Kína kódja Hely és státusz BJ - a helyet adja meg, a második számjegy "J" jelentése: aktív kód Bankfiók kódja XXX vagy nincs hozzárendelve, azt jelöli. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Informazione sull'emittente. AINFCNBJ o AINFCNBJXXX Código bancario AINF - código asignado a ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK Código de país CN - el código pertenece a China Ubicación y estado BJ - representa la ubicación, el segundo dígito «J» significa código activo Código de sucursal. Таблицы с бухгалтерской и финансовой отчетностью. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. ainfcnbj xxx details asian infrastructure investment bank bic- / swift-code. asian infrastructure investment bank ainfcnbjxxx asian infrastructure investment bank tianchen east road, 1, tower a, asia financial center, chaoyang district china ainfcnbjxxx. AINFCNBJ o AINFCNBJXXX Código bancario AINF - código correspondiente a ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK Código de país CN - el código pertenece a China Código de ubicación BJ - el código representa la ubicación de la institución Estado del código J - J indica que el código está activoКлючевая информация для asian infrastructure investment bank. Swift / Bic codes for banks in BEIJING - CHINA (CN) - page - 2. (LEI 25490065OSV2524LCR32, SWIFT AINFCNBJXXX). Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. 59. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Notizie e rating. Swift Code listings available in BEIJING will help you to find the bank and branch swift code you're looking for, and which is required to send or receive money via Bank Wire Transfer. 31. swift-код ainfcnbj; Банк asian infrastructure investment bank; Адрес tianchen east road, 1 tower a, asia financial center chaoyang district, beijing; Экономьте на международных комиссиях с wise. ,ltd. N/A Market share. 会计和财务报告的表格。AINFCNBJ oder AINFCNBJXXX Bankleitzahl AINF – an ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK zugewiesener Code Ländercode CN – zu China gehöriger Code Standort & Status BJ – gibt den Standort an. 26. Bank swift. Lookup swift bank codes in BEIJING to find the bank details and unique identifier used to make bank wire transfer financial transations. . 9. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. 72. News et notations de crédit. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. 75. Below you can browse through all available bank swift codes in CHINA (CN BIC Codes). Information sur l'émetteur. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. 58. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. a bank wire transfers (international wire transfers). ainfcnbjxxx; swiftコード(8文字) ainfcnbj: 支店名: asian infrastructure investment bank: 支店住所: tianchen east road, 1, tower a, asia financial center, chaoyang district: 支店コード: xxx: 銀行名: asian infrastructure investment bank: 市町村(ローマ字) beijing: 国: chinaBank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Finanztabellen von Unternehmen. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Below you can browse through all available bank swift codes in CHINA (CN BIC Codes). S. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. beijing branch-china (cn) rabocnbjxxx: 202: china international capital corporation limited-china (cn) cicpcnbbxxx: 203: industrial and commercial bank of chinaBank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. 28. Swift / Bic codes for banks in BEIJING - CHINA (CN) - page - 2. 69. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. -china (cn) bsbecnb1xxxBank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. 27. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. 15. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. ainfcnbj xxx information om swift-/bic-kod för asian infrastructure investment bank. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. ainfcnbjxxx: 199: bank of china (bank of china head office depository) china (cn) bkchcnbjdep: 200: cicc corporation limited-china (cn) cicpcn21xxx: 201: cooperatieve rabobank u. 44. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. asian infrastructure investment bank, tianchen east road, 1, tower a, asia financial center, chaoyang district, beijing, chinaainfcnbj xxx asian infrastructure investment bank pojedinosti bic/ swift koda. ainfcnbj xxx asian infrastructure investment bank bic / swift 代碼資料. com to get a fee-free money transfer up to £500. Swift Codes for banks in BEIJING city - CHINA (CN) Below you can browse through all available swift codes (bic codes) of banks in BEIJING - CHINA (CN). Bank name: ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK: Branch name:. Swift Codes for banks in CHINA - CN BIC Codes. Este código SWIFT es para ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK. 84. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. AINFCNBJXXX; Swift kod (8 znakova) AINFCNBJ: Naziv podružnice: ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK: Adresa podružnice: TIANCHEN EAST. 56. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK. 41. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Check the AINFCNBJXXX SWIFT / BIC code details below. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. AINFCNBJXXX; Code Swift (8 caractères) AINFCNBJ: Nom de l'agence: ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK: Adresse de l'agence bancaire: TIANCHEN EAST ROAD, 1, TOWER A, ASIA FINANCIAL CENTER, CHAOYANG DISTRICT: Code de l'agence: XXX: Nom de la banque: ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK:. 85. 6. Die zweite Stelle 'J' steht für: aktiver Code Filialcode XXX oder. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. Bank swift / bic codes in CHINA (CN) - page - 28. These swift codes will help you identify the bank and branch swift code you need to use in order to send or receive money via a bank wire transfer. 35. AINFCNBJXXX COPY: Money transfer: Use wise. 1. asian infrastructure investment bank, tianchen east road, 1, tower a, asia financial center, chaoyang district, beijing, chinaAsian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). AINFCNBJXXX; Codice Swift (8 caratteri) AINFCNBJ: Nome della filiale: ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK: Indirizzo di filiale: TIANCHEN EAST ROAD, 1, TOWER A, ASIA FINANCIAL CENTER, CHAOYANG DISTRICT: Codice della filiale: XXX: Nome della banca: ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK:ainfcnbj xxx asian infrastructure investment bank bic/swift kodu bilgileri. allies including Australia, Britain, German, Italy, the Philippines and South Korea have agreed to join theAjay Sharma I am also trying with the file from where we can read this array. Swift Code listings available in BEIJING will help you to find the bank and branch swift code you're looking for, and which is required to send or receive money via Bank Wire Transfer. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. 68. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. 07. asian infrastructure investment bank, tianchen east road, 1, tower a, asia financial center, chaoyang district, beijing, chinaAINFCNBJXXX; Código Swift (8 caracteres) AINFCNBJ: Nome da agência: ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK: Endereço da agência: TIANCHEN EAST ROAD, 1, TOWER A, ASIA FINANCIAL CENTER, CHAOYANG DISTRICT: Código da agência: XXX: Nome do banco: ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK: Cidade:. 08. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. asian infrastructure investment bank, tianchen east road, 1, tower a, asia financial center, chaoyang district, beijing, chinaAINFCNBJ sau AINFCNBJXXX Codul băncii AINF - cod atribuit băncii ASIAN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT BANK Codul țării CN - codul aparține China Locație și stare BJ - reprezintă locația, a doua cifră „J” înseamnă cod activ Codul sucursalei XXX sau neatribuit, indicând. Information about the issuer. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions. -taiyuan: ztsjcnb1xxx: 652: zhejiang wuyi rural commercial bankSwift Codes for banks in CHINA - CN BIC Codes. ainfcnbj 或 ainfcnbjxxx 銀行代碼 ainf - 代碼已分配給 asian infrastructure investment bank 國家代碼 cn - 代碼屬於 中國 位置代碼 bj - 代碼代表機構所在位置 代碼狀態 j - j 代表有效代碼 銀行分行代碼 並未獲分配或xxx - 代碼表示這是銀行總行ainfcnbj или ainfcnbjxxx Код банка ainf — код присвоен банку: asian infrastructure investment bank Код страны cn — код закреплен за страной: Китай Местоположение и статусainfcnbj xxx bic/swift-kodeopplysnigner for asian infrastructure investment bank. China Employees. TIANCHEN EAST ROAD, 1, TOWER A, ASIA FINANCIAL CENTER, CHAOYANG DISTRICT. Lookup swift / bic codes for all banks in China which are required for international wire transfer transactions.