Birdline vic. . Birdline vic

Birdline vic Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 20 Apr 2014

Victoria Inland Dotterel reported to me this weekend, on private land on north side of road, c. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 29 Apr 2013 01:32:10 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 28 Apr 2013. It was in the swampy area which is to the right of the road when travel towards Killarney Beach. Birdline Victoria. 221 For the week ending: 2 October 2005 ----- It’s been nearly five years since I started Birdline Victoria and sent out the first of 221 weekly updates to a Victorian public that was sorely missing such a service. Sun 22 Jan Eastern Great Egret and Nankeen Night-Heron. 762. Sat 19 Apr Scarlet Robin Yarra Bend Park. , the Long-billed Dowitcher was sleeping amongst the strings of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers in the southeast corner of the lake. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 24 Apr 2011. 198 For the week ending: 20 March 2005 Sightings 19 March Seen from the Avalon Air Show were 3 Brolga, flying in a flock at the southern end of the runway and a Black Kite, soaring over nearby paddocks. A single Dollarbird seen today at Jumping Creek reserve, Wonga Park (Melbourne), Vic with Steve Hoptroff - 23/11/2021Main Yarra Trail, Lower Plenty, Victoria, AU ([email protected] Victoria: Birdline Western Australia: 28/11/2021. Count # 1. Pleased to see that the Scaly-breasted Lorrikeets are still there. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 9 Nov 2014. Sun 4 Nov Bassian Thrush Bostock Reservoir, near Ballan Pair showing well in pine plantation south west of the car park. A Baillon's Crake, 50 White-browed and Masked Woodswallow, but no Little Bitterns were seen at the Wylie Creek wetlands, Cranbourne Botanic Gardens, thanks Paul Peake. Adriana Bianchi & Bill Ramsay. Kel Shields Flora Reserve, Moorabool, Victoria,. I started Birdline because, as a newly converted birdo, I felt like I was always the last to know. Birdline Victoria: Birdline Western Australia: News and Features Search Photos Explore a Region Explore Hotspots Species Maps: eBird Australia is a great place to keep your personal bird records and at the same time contribute to global conservation and research. species 208. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 3 Jul 2011. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 22 Apr 2012. Realised it's almost exactly 40 years since the legendary Mike Carter took me there as a kid for the first time to see one. It appears to be an adult either moulting into or in winter plumage. Highlight was the White-winged Black Tern, reported last week. Birdline Western Australia Published sightings for the week ending 1 Apr 2012. Telopea Downs (Restricted Access) species 173. m. Birdline Victoria Update No. 982), Melbourne 19 Jul 2023 17:15 Burndap Park, Maribyrnong 19 Jul 2023 17:10The Bird Vet Hospital is located centrally in Burwood Victoria. Increasing numbers of this species have been noted around. Sun 11 Mar Broad-billed Sandpiper, Spotless Crake Western Treatment Plant Broad-billed Sandpiper was in the first pond off Beach Rd. Tue 27. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 27 Jan 2014 03:02:48 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 26 Jan 2014. I've trawled = through around 200 messages on. Sun 17 Jul Red-necked Avocet, Grey Teal, House Sparrow Western Treatment Plant, Vic Today was a day for large flocks of birds at WTP. Sun 9 Dec Latham's Snipe Berwick Springs The newly mown paddocks surrounding the small wetlands between Berwick Springs road and Moondarra Drive [off the main wetland] produced in excess of twenty five Snipe and three Nankeen night herons in the space of an hour. Sun 9 Nov Wood Sandpiper Killarney Wetlands, Middle Swamp Single Wood Sandpiper observed in the Killarney Wetlands. Anton Cnudde and I got onto ten bustards in two paddocks along Nhill-Murrayville Rd near Waggon Flat (south of Big Desert, 2WD accessible) - one paddock with long grass (4 birds) and one ploughed. Mon 3: Red-capped Robin Ensay Showgrounds: eBird checklist: Rob Clay 3/7 #269452: Fri 30: Little Tern Ricketts Pt, Beaumaris: Probably immature judging by the extensive dark area on carpals and primaries. 19 Jul 2023 09:10. It is purely a. Sun 19 Jun Swift Parrot Frankston 10' Cell Five Swift Parrots seen flying over the soccer fields, landing in trees then chased off by resident Noisy Miners. Sun 25 Nov Banded Lapwing, White-Bellied Sea Eagle Hoopers Road, Dunach 10+ Banded Lapwings in a paddock on the North Side of Hoopers Road near to the intersection with Wattle Gully Road. E Asia and. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 5 May 2013. 161 For the week ending: 23 May, 2004 ----- ----- Sightings 22 May There were 11 Terek Sandpipers with other waders at Stockyard Point, Westernport Bay seen by Graham Beal and other VWSG Members, no sign, however, of. Birders are encouraged to post lists to eBird Australia, where sightings are incorporated into the BirdLife Australia Atlas. Birdline Victoria Update - 7 November 2004: From: "Birdline Victoria" < > Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 08:03:17 +1100. Birdline Victoria is supported by Birdlife Australia and moderated by Margaret Alcorn, Michael. Also an immature Diamond Firetail with a flock of Zebra Finchs, at least 500 metres from the nearest tree, and kms. - with ample parking onsite. Birdline Victoria Update - 14 November 2004: From: "Birdline Victoria" < > Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 17:29:57 +1100. Reported on Birdline Vic. By peter, on January 6th, 2014. Sun 14 Jul Eastern Osprey, White-bellied Sea-Eagle Point Nepean National Park Eastern Osprey battling strong winds heading east from Fort Nepean. Not calling. North-central Victoria The highlights for the Victorian Twitchathon wwa: Budgerigar, Cockatiel and Little Button-quail at Goschen, Whiskered Tern and Blue-billed Duck at Round Lake, Grey-crowned Babbler, Gilbert's Whistler and Western Gerygone at Kerang Weir. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 12 Mar 2012 01:31:07 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 11 Mar 2012. Aside from. Sun 11 May Chukar Gardiners Creek Reserve (Chandler Avenue) The chukar was first flushed from the side of the path where it flew high into a tree. Also imm White Bellied Sea Eagle circling over nearby private property. Birdline North Queensland is a site for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting behaviour or unusual habitat usage. Thanks Jacquie and Len Axen. 2398) 1: Tom O'Keefe: 9 Jun 2023: 12 Zealandia Rd E, Croydon North AU-VIC -37. SAC (1992) Threatened in Victoria The Grey Falcon is listed as a threatened taxon in Schedule 2 of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. Birds observed in a stand of Grey Box near their. Sun 10 Feb Hooded Plover Port Fairy Walking west from the town along the beach l came across three pairs of Hooded Plover over about two kilometers. Rohan Bythell-Douglas. Aside from Facebook, you can. . Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 8 May 2011. Some other interesting birds seen during the morning were a Spotted Harrier and. . Black tern at the little river bird (WTP, Vic) this evening, associating with white winged black tern. Silhouette unmistakable when head up. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 20 Apr 2014. 84476. Was very obliging allowing quite close approach for photos. On the bay there were large rafts of Grey Teal north. Sun 22 Apr Grey Goshawk, Australian Hobby Serendip Sanctuary, Lara. with photo (extreme range and light poor). Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 9 Nov 2014. . Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 27 Apr 2014. One pair were shepherding four chicks between them. June 2023. Count # X. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 26 Mar 2012 01:30:49 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 25 Mar 2012. To: : Subject: : Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: "Eremaea Birds" < > Date: : Mon, 5 Apr 2010 01:31:11 +1000Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 24 Jan 2011 01:30:52 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 23 Jan 2011. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 4 Feb 2013 01:32:03 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 3 Feb 2013. Flock of app 100 Eastern Great Egrets near Beach Rd, also Little and Cattle seen. Little Lorikeet numbers have increased over the last week and Flame Robin numbers are still in. ”Birdline Victoria Weekly Update. rufous fantail at Warrandyte state park (fourth hill {gold memorial}) second sighting of mine for the month here. 8350,145. Sun 9 Jan Musk Lorikeet Gooseberry Hill, Dunolly. Sun 6 Jul Spotted Harrier Sorrento Back Beach Hunting along road right at park entrance. 5323610, 145. Sun 14 Oct Leaden Flycatcher Spring Plains NCR, Heathcote There was a pair of Leaden Flycatcher courting along Newlyn Track, Spring Plains NCR this morning. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 5 Nov 2012 01:31:27 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 4 Nov 2012. 103) Show DetailsBirdline Victoria. Following the remarkable discovery by Tobias Hayashi of six birds around the Dry Tank Campground and Little Mountain walk on 14th June, we managed to find one at approximately at -30. Sun 27 Oct Scaly-breasted Lorikeet Gresswell Habitat Link First visit to the habitat link in more than two and a half years. Discussion. Sun 21 Sep Azure Kingfisher (2) D’Entrecasteaux River Single bird initially seen perched on a dead branch overhanging the river. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 26 Aug 2012. To: : Subject: : Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: "Eremaea Birds" < > Date: : Mon, 26 Jul 2010 01:31:25 +1000To: : Subject: : Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: "Eremaea Birds" < > Date: : Mon, 24 May 2010 01:32:12 +1000Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 4 Mar 2012. Birdline North Queensland. 4 Aug 2021. Merin Merin Swamp State Game Reserve. Birdline Victoria. Birdline Tasmania Published sightings for the week ending 21 Sep 2014. Scott travels extensively around Australia visiting the major (and not so well known) birding spots regularly. 32 Swan Street, Melbourne, Victoria, AU (-37. Connect with people who share your interest in Birds in Facebook groups. com 2. 127) species 102. Willow Creek, Maleny, Queensland, AU (-26. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 14 Nov 2010. Hi Richard, Ruth and I were in Chiltern some weeks ago now. Birdline Northern Territory. Sun 27 Feb Little Corella. Great views of birds flying in morning sunlight . The two species of black Cormorants breeding are. Australian Owlet-nightjar, Painted Button-quail, Speckled. Public group. 865, 141. The University of NSW School of Computer and Engineering takes no responsibility for the contents of this archive. Birdline Victoria is website for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting behaviour or unusual habitat usage. Media. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 28 Oct 2013 03:02:06 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 27 Oct 2013. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 11 Feb 2013 01:31:33 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 10 Feb 2013. BirdLife BirdLife Australia: BirdLife Melbourne: Calendar of events: Branch newsletter: Birding Links Eremaea Birds: Birdline Victoria: Melbourne Water – Birdwatching: The Conversation…I saw tonight via ebird rarities for Vic that Colin Mulvogue has posted seeing 2 African Collared Doves (with Photo) in Nar Nar Goon. Sun 23 Oct White-browed Woodswallow Viewbank Noisy flock circling very high overhead and drifting south midday, ~10 birds seen Richard Loyn Dollarbird Fairhope (12 km N of Bairnsdale) 1 pair perched in tall dead tree, and hawking over Nicholson River at Bullock Hill Track. Find a bird. More. To do this you need to register with eBird Australia then login. (Ryans Rd) Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park, Victoria 4 birds seen, 3 of them banded. Sightings 17-18 January There were 3 Black-tailed Godwits in the second pond at the Austin Road lagoons at Werribee and a Hooded Plover at Pt. About. Sun 16 Jun Ground Cuckoo-Shrike Waradgery road, Wyuna 5 Ground Cuckoo-shrike were seen today by members of Birdlife Echuca and Birdlife Murray-Goulbourn near Wyuna, near the junction of Waradgery road and the Murray Valley Highway. They were also joined by 3 White-backed Swallows (first. Etiwanda Wetlands, Mildura, Victoria, Australia. Sun 16 Oct White-browed Woodswallows 5 km NW of Bairnsdale A flock of approximately 60 flew into redgums this morning (only one positively identified) Very vocal, and being harassed by an Australian Hobby. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 29 Nov 2010 01:31:03 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 28 Nov 2010. species 174. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 30 Dec 2012. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 20 Apr 2014. Thu 2 May Australasian Bittern Western Treatment Plant (T-Section Ponds) Flushed from reeds at pond 4 and chased first by a harrier and then by a whistling kite, flew towards drain opposite gate 2 entrance and disappeared. 7148470. Adrian De LeiroaBirdline Victoria Update - 16 January 2005: From: "Birdline Victoria" < > Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 11:10:39 +1100. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update, notifications: Next by Date: Correction: Coconut Lorikeet, David James: Previous by Thread: Fwd: Birdline New South Wales Weekly Update, Peter Shute:Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 12 May 2014 03:03:03 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 11 May 2014. Sun 26 Jan Terek Sandpiper Cheetham Saltworks, Point Henry early morning look over the fence. Chris Pitfield. Swift parrots in trees beside Macleod station? A dream rendezvous, Let's go. Birdline Victoria: Birdline Western Australia: News and Features Search Photos Explore a Region Explore Hotspots Species Maps: eBird Australia is a great place to keep your. Telopea Downs (Restricted Access) Show Details. Paddaock has short grass, roly-poly, and some has been. 9 Jul 2023. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 10 Apr 2011. Birdline Australia Published sightings for the week ending 22 Jun 2014. Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve At 1340hrs, at least 550+ Little Corella observed at the Recreation Reserve, on the ground, in trees, on buildings and sporting equipment and fixtures. 187 For the week ending: 13 December, 2004 ----- Sightings 10 December At Braeside Park a Freckled Duck was seen. Regards, Laurie. The bird was seen on the water behind the sign. Slaty-backed Thornbill. 19 November A walk along the ocean beach from. Birdline New South Wales. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update. Sun 29 Apr Swift Parrot Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park (Chiltern) Swift Parrot 20+ birds seen in eastern part of park (Langs Track, near Reilly's Road) with two Little Lorikeets and several Crimson and Eastern RosellasBirdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 12 Mar 2012 01:31:07 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 11 Mar 2012. James Bailey Sat 27 NovBirdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 9 Dec 2012. Fwd: Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Peter Shute < > Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 05:36:11 +1100: These notifications are now being sent to the new list, but for some reason got filtered out, so I'm forwarding them by hand again. Birdline Victoria. Sun 30 Dec Topknot Pigeon, White-throated Needletail, Cicadabird Cabbage Tree Creek Flora Reserve 58 White-throated Needletails were observed feeding high above the reserve early this morning. 73004, 151. Sun 17 Feb Pectoral Sandpiper,. Honeyeater was also observed on the outskirts of Rutherglen in some flowering gums, a very rare bird in north-east Victoria. Sun 10 Apr Buff-banded Rail Esplanade East and Beaconsfield Pde, Port Melbourne time: 5. Birdline Victoria Weekly. White-bellied Sea-Eagle cruising across the Rip from. Kevin Conlan Swift Parrot (6) Woodlands Historic Park (Greenvale)Feeding with Black Ducks at north end, often with head submerged. Lots of people are going to the gallery site to look at the pictures of some of the birds seen around Victoria. Over the last two days 22 Birdline NSW posts came from a very impressive trip to the NSW outback (spread over a couple of weeks). It has not been checked for accuracy nor its content verified in any way. notifi. Fan-tailed Cuckoo. North-central Victoria The highlights for the Victorian Twitchathon wwa: Budgerigar, Cockatiel and Little Button-quail at Goschen, Whiskered Tern and Blue-billed Duck at Round Lake, Grey-crowned Babbler, Gilbert's Whistler and Western Gerygone at Kerang Weir. Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: Date: 5 May 2014 03:03:26 +1000: Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 4 May 2014. 920 Stumpy Gully Road, Tuerong, Victoria, AU (-38. While observing a flock of at least 100 Little Terns on Victoria Lagoon this afternoon, most resting on shoreline and some flying and diving for food, two terns flew by that were larger and and had dark markings. Zebedee Muller, Joshua Gatchalian, and I found this bird together. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 29 Apr 2012. To: : Subject: : Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: "Eremaea Birds" < > Date: : Mon, 24 May 2010 01:32:12 +1000To: : Subject: : Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: "Eremaea Birds" < > Date: : Mon, 12 Jul 2010 01:31:18 +1000Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 16 Jun 2013. Gundabooka National Park--Little Mountain Walk. Shared perch with a Coot and a Long-necked Turtle, with a Straw-necked Ibis above on higher log. Sun 27 Feb Little Corella. In partnership with Birdlife Australia and Eremaea Birdlines, Birdline Victoria is a site for recording and discussing rare and unusual wild bird sightings in Victoria. All groups and messages. In partnership with Birdlife Australia and Eremaea Birdlines, Birdline Victoria is a site for recording and discussing rare and unusual wild bird sightings in Victoria. To: : Subject: : Birdline Victoria Weekly Update: From: "Eremaea Birds" < > Date: : Mon, 12 Jul 2010 01:31:18 +1000Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 28 Aug 2011. Birdline Central & Southern Queensland. 211 For the week ending: 17 July 2005 ===== Sightings 18 July About 30 Long-billed Corellas were flying (in a 'V') rapidly and directly southeast over Eunson Ave and St Georges Rd Northcote at about 6:50 this morning (when it was still basically dark). Media. Flying offshore for at least 20 minutes making some dives for fish. I could not spot any Long-billed Corella amongst them. Maryborough Sewage Ponds AU-Victoria-Havelock-202 Maryborough-Dunolly Road - -37. Birdline Victoria is website for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting. Sat 21 Aug Black Falcon Werribee Zoo There are currently many raptor species present at the Zoo. 3 September Both Fan-tailed and Pallid Cuckoo’s could be heard calling from the look out tower on the summit of Mount Tarrengower near Maldon township. Sun 4 Mar Brolga (12) Calivil creek, Yarrawalla 10 adults, 1 first year and 1 second year bird in a flock along the Calivil creek west of Pyramid Hill next to Hampsons road. Birdline Victoria Published sightings for the week ending 14 Oct 2012. The moderators will discuss reports and decide if a report should be published.